ePetition details

Brian Gordon: support confirmation as Mayor

We the undersigned petition the council to Support the appointment of Cllr Brian Gordon as Mayor. Brian Gordon was elected by councillors to serve as Barnet Mayor for the term of 2020/21. His values and behaviour reflect strong moral leadership that resonates with many of the borough's residents, of all faiths and of none. He is not shy of taking a stand on controversial topics, but this is not a bad trait in a politician. His statements & actions have often been deliberately misconstrued & misrepresented out of context by those seeking to make political capital. Cllr Gordon has sought to uphold the rights and freedoms of religious communities and schools to promote their faith values, including , and to not be compelled to compromise those values. He has never sought to disenfranchise, marginalise or disrespect any groups or minorities, or their own rights and entitlements, on the basis of their identity. He is representative of the views and values of many tens of thousands of Barnet residents and therefore should re

There are some who oppose the appointment of Cllr Gordon as Mayor on the grounds that his views are not representative of those of all Barnet residents. On the basis of that reasoning, no-one could ever be appointed as Mayor.

This ePetition ran from 10/07/2020 to 21/08/2020 and has now finished.

One person signed this ePetition.