Council decisions

Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published

21/10/2021 - Authorisation to extend contracts for the provision of Independent Mental Health Advocacy (Lot 1; IMHA) and Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (Lot 2; IMCA) Services ref: 8722    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Adults and Health

Decision published: 14/12/2021

Effective from: 21/10/2021

Wards affected: (All Wards);

03/11/2021 - Contract Award for Committee Agenda Publication Software to Civica UK Ltd (formerly Modern Mindset Ltd) ref: 8704    Recommendations Approved

This report details the decision of the Executive Director of Assurance to award the contract for the Council’s committee papers content management system to Civica UK Ltd (formerly Modern Mindset Ltd). The contract will be for a period of 3 +1 +1 years for the provision of the Modern.Gov content management system, this will include maintenance, support, external hosting and the provision of an extranet to enable Members to access restricted (exempt information) content via the associated app.


Decision Maker: Executive Director Assurance

Decision published: 05/11/2021

Effective from: 03/11/2021

Wards affected: (All Wards);

23/07/2021 - National Probation Service ref: 8700    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Safer Communities Partnership Board

Made at meeting: 23/07/2021 - Safer Communities Partnership Board

Decision published: 02/11/2021

Effective from: 23/07/2021


KoreenLogie, Head of Service, Harrow & Barnet Probation Delivery Unit provided a verbal update.


On 26th June 2021 the Probation Service joined with the London Rehabilitation Company to provide a unified service. Community Payback is therefore managed by the civil service. There would be greater focus on local projects as part of this. The NPS is looking at what might be suitable in Barnet and what additional work the local authority might want. There is also greater opportunity to undertake co-commissioning bids and a small pot of money is available to use for challenging groups, with an emphasis on providing partners with the opportunity to think creatively about co-bids.


Four delivery partners are in place; to cover accommodation, wellbeing, employment/training/education and services for women. Services are more aligned with consistent input from partners. 


Mr Norfolk reported that a monthly meeting is held in Barnet Council around community payback opportunities, based on residents’ requests. Also 30% of the hours can be used for education, training and employment. Mr Leng reported that this information would be shared with Ward Members.


Action: Mr Leng

23/07/2021 - Update on the Barnet Zero Tolerance to Hate Crime Project ref: 8699    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Safer Communities Partnership Board

Made at meeting: 23/07/2021 - Safer Communities Partnership Board

Decision published: 02/11/2021

Effective from: 23/07/2021


Reshma Hirani, Community Hate Crime Reporting Coordinator presented her report and slides.


Ms Hirani reported that Barnet Hate Crime Strategy focuses on how to increase reporting of hate crime, support victims and increase community confidence.


The Metropolitan Police had reported a rise in hate crime reporting during the pandemic, including arguments over the use of face coverings leading to racist abuse. There had also been an increase in online hate crime during the pandemic, and an increase in interpersonal hate crime (where the victim knows the perpetrator).


Of the 941 incidents of anti-Semitic hate crime recorded across Greater London in 2020, 243 had been in Barnet.


The Zero Tolerance to Hate Crime Project in Barnet provided support for the Chinese community. There had been an emergence nationally in early 2020 of hate crime towards people who appear of Chinese or South East Asian origin.


Barnet Council’s training programme on identifying and reporting hate crime continued, with 350 staff at 36 organisations having been trained during 2020/21.


Mr Rosengard reported and together with Ray Booth and Reshma Hirani he is working the Access to Justice Group, a sub group of the Safeguarding Adults Board. The group had produced the Strategy for the SCPB to approve (included with the agenda).


Mr Leng asked how this fits in with work carried out by Children’s Services. Ms McElligot responded that there are separate strands of work in Children’s Services but links between the two probably need to be strengthened.


Mr Leng asked what happens if crimes are not reported as ‘crime’, and whether they are still followed up. Ms Hirani responded that other interventions can take place such as removing a perpetrator’s bus pass. So all reports are followed up.


The Board approved the Barnet Hate Crime Strategy 2020-24.


23/07/2021 - Barnet Integrated Offender Management Summary Update and Performance Report ref: 8698    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Safer Communities Partnership Board

Made at meeting: 23/07/2021 - Safer Communities Partnership Board

Decision published: 02/11/2021

Effective from: 23/07/2021


Mr Richard Norfolk, Reducing Offending Partnership Lead, LBB presented his slides.


Integrated Offender Management (IOM) is a multi-agency non-statutory national framework for managing persistent offenders and will be part of MOPAC’s Police and Crime Plan 2021-25.


The IOM was recently reviewed by HMIP and HMICFRS and was found to need a refresh. This included highlighting the potential benefits of more collaborative working, and an updated IOM was published in January 2021. The main change is use of the OASys Violence Predictor Score, monthly automated referrals from the Probation Service and the use of ECINS, a secure cloud-based information sharing system which also captures performance data and outcomes.


In Barnet reoffending has reduced by 20% due to the interventions in place. Mr Norfolk commended the multi-agency partners, including the Police, Probation Service and Housing teams who had all worked to maintain a grip on a small minority of offenders who had been committing a large number of offences.


New selection criteria of the IOM would mean more focus on existing IOM cases with more serious acquisitive offences and repeat violence. This will mean that lower risk offenders will be excluded and the focus would be more on robberies and burglaries.


New criteria for young offenders is included in the IOM, with a focus on persistent offenders.


A Board member asked how the figures compared with those of Brent and Harrow and who has oversight of the IOM given that it is non-statutory. Mr Norfolk responded that the main oversight is by the Police but also other agencies who attend, such as mental health providers and BOOST. Mr Norfolk would provide more detail at a future meeting. Brent and Harrow have a similar arrangement but Barnet has achieved a slightly higher reduction in reoffending.

Action: Richard Norfolk


Mr Norfolk commented that monthly data is received by Barnet from the NPS, and he is then provided with names, alongside the Police, and a list of potentially eligible individuals for the IOM. This is then discussed at the IOM Panel Meeting to ascertain whether they meet the criteria. In addition, any other agency can make a referral into the Panel. 



23/07/2021 - London Accommodation Pathfinder Project ref: 8697    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Safer Communities Partnership Board

Made at meeting: 23/07/2021 - Safer Communities Partnership Board

Decision published: 02/11/2021

Effective from: 23/07/2021


Matthew Knights, London Accommodation Pathfinder Strategic Development Manager, London Borough of Camden, presented his slides on the scheme which is due to be piloted in Barnet. He noted that the project offers an alternative to custody for children aiming to improve outcomes for them.


Mr Cezar Tan, Youth Justice Service Manager, Children’s Services LBB was also invited to the table.


Mr Knights reported that the pilot programme provides integrated partnership support for 16 and 17-year-olds. The work would be shared and promoted across London and nationally.  Risk assessments are carried out for each child, and the scheme offers intensive support for up to six months.


Mr Knights noted that care has been taken around the accommodation, including discussions with the police to highlight any concerns such as drugs or gangs in the area. CCTV is also in operation at the property. The accommodation is in Hamilton Road, NW11 and has two members of staff present 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The staff will have contact with local police and safer neighbourhood teams.


Ms Bateman commented that this approach is welcome but enquired why the number of children included is only 20 (five at any one time) and whether the team is collaborating with NHSE and others. Mr Knight responded that the scheme is only offered to children with a custodial sentence. Ms Bateman noted that a prior adult safeguarding review in another area of London had revealed a setting which had resulted in a toxic environment with children being subject to abuse. She enquired whether the scheme would be Care Quality Commission (CQC) registered and what safeguards would be in place. 


Mr Knight responded that the scheme would not be CQC registered but was subject to OFSTED review standards. As part of the comprehensive procurement process the provider has to demonstrate it has the right type of experience, staffing and therapeutic model to meet the needs of children. It is specifically aimed at children at risk of going into custody. An external evaluator will be appointed for the next two years, to monitor outcomes and procedures.


Mr Tan added that the programme is part of the Lammy Review to tackle disproportionality. The Youth Justice Board’s approach is to give each child an opportunity to thrive with wraparound support using a partnership approach. Reparation is a part of community payback. He added that there are five Boroughs within the pilot. The support is provided prior to sentencing to ensure that the young person reports to the Youth Offending Team and accesses provision that is available. 


Declan Khan requested his team to meet with Matthew Knights and Cezar Tan outside the meeting to discuss the various concerns raised/clarifications sought/required.

Action: Mr Khan, Mr Tan, Mr Knights


23/07/2021 - North West BCU Police update to the Safer Communities Partnership Board ref: 8696    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Safer Communities Partnership Board

Made at meeting: 23/07/2021 - Safer Communities Partnership Board

Decision published: 02/11/2021

Effective from: 23/07/2021


Inspector Muneeb Ishtiaq reported that Covid-19 was still a big aspect of the work of the Police, mainly around breaches to regulations. There had been increased staff sickness absence also, due to Covid-19.


It had been decided that Metropolitan Police’s public meetings should remain virtual for the time being to help with resilience of the service.


The Metropolitan Police has been continuing to have productive daily meetings with Barnet Council.


Colindale Police Station, the designated front office for Barnet, has reopened after refurbishment and is open 24 hours a day.


The priorities for the Metropolitan Police in Barnet are knife crime injuries in the under-25s, robbery, VAWG, open spaces and the night time economy. Over the summer several pop-up events are expected in Barnet; there would be additional security provision including in neighbouring Boroughs, to ensure that knife crime doesn’t disperse into Barnet.


As reported at the last SCPB meeting, the Safer Neighbourhood teams have been reviewed. A new Ward Panel Handbook has been produced in agreement with the community, and this should help to ensure more corporate consistency.


The Vice Chairman for Barnet Safer Neighbourhood Board asked whether there is a Neighbourhood Inspector for each ward in Barnet. If so he would find it helpful to have these contacts for a meeting at the end of August. Inspector Ishtiaq noted that Inspector Toporowski covers the whole of Barnet. There are also two Police Constables (Designated Ward Officers) and a Police Community Support Officer for each ward, as well as a Sergeant to oversee two or three wards, moving across them as required.


Inspector Ishtiaq noted that several Interim Sergeants are acting up to the post currently. The capacity of the BCU is above its usual level and the shortage of Sergeants is being addressed with internal promotion processes.


The Assistant Director, Community Safety and Protection reported that the Council has a Sub Group focusing on security arrangements, which also continues to learn lessons from previous events. This group accompanies the Police and assists in preventing weaponry being taken into events, and with securing events with enclosures. Also, the Sub Group is working on assessments prior to events before allowing them to go ahead. 

The Borough Commander, London Fire Brigade enquired whether the BCU refers into the Youth and Community Centre Safety Scheme. Inspector Ishtiaq responded that it does and in addition to this recent funding for security around youth clubs with the aim of preventing violence, has just been made available. Inspector Ishtiaq would share details of this.


Action: Inspector Ishtiaq


23/07/2021 - Family Services - Youth Justice Board Update Q4 and Q1 ref: 8695    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Safer Communities Partnership Board

Made at meeting: 23/07/2021 - Safer Communities Partnership Board

Decision published: 02/11/2021

Effective from: 23/07/2021


Ms McElligott presented her slides.


Supporting Families Programme (Families First)


Barnet achieved 100% turnaround in the lives of the 372 families allocated to it during 2020/21. Funding beyond March 2022 for the Supporting Families Programme has not yet been confirmed, but agencies continued to develop their partnership work through seconded posts from Job Centre Plus, RISE mutual domestic abuse services, Substance Misuse and Health Services and others. A probation secondee is no longer in post due to the impact of the National Probation Service (NPS) reorganisation but a housing secondee post has been created to help to prevent homelessness.


Youth Offending & Reducing Re-Offending


Ms McElligott reported that at June 2021 74 young people are open to the Youth Offending Team (YOT) and 16 are open to the 0-19 Early Help Services. Barnet has a lower average number of First Time Entrants into the Youth Justice System compared to national and London, partly due to effective diversion and prevention schemes. Barnet’s Out of Court Disposal (OOCD) processes have been recognised as good practice and shared with the Youth Justice Board for wider dissemination.


Barnet’s reoffending rate stands at 32%, which is lower than the national average.


Child Exploitation, Serious Youth & Adult Violence


Barnet’s Vulnerable Adolescents Strategy 2020-22 is developed and monitored by the Vulnerable Adolescent Community Partnership statutory partners, stakeholders and voluntary sector providers. A variety of approaches have been delivered via grants in partnership with the voluntary sector.


Mr Booth enquired whether there were any data on young people with disabilities, particularly autism, and links with exploitation. Ms McElligott responded that such information is recorded and disproportionate numbers of young people with ADHD, conduct disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders were more often found to be at risk. It was known that young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN), some who have autistic traits, in the youth offending system are typically diagnosed far too late. She noted that she did not have specific data at the meeting but could collate this – Mr Cezar Tan, Youth Justice Service Manager, in her team is the best point of contact. 

Action: Ms McElligott/Mr Tan


Ms Bateman reported that the Autism Strategy, which contained a funding offer that might be useful for Barnet, had recently been published. She also enquired what could be learnt on reoffending rates in young people, to improve this in the adult population.


Ms McElligott noted that there is no prevention service in place for 18+ young adults but was looking to develop this as an arm of the Integrated Offender Management offer. She would invite the Safeguarding Adults Board to be represented on this group.

Action: Ms McElligott


Mr Leng reported that the Metropolitan Police has an intervention scheme - there had been a review of all the Criminal Behaviour Orders that had been issued over the past two years; very few had been issued to young people. Other interventions were often found through the Youth Justice System.


Ms McElligott commented that many of this cohort are victims of exploitation, such as county lines. The Vulnerable Adolescents at Risk Panel and Serious Incident Response Meetings help coordinate multi-agency responses. Almost half the young people involved in offending have school attendance issues.  Ms McElligot noted that there are several local interventions currently working with vulnerable groups of adolescents.



Domestic Abuse (DA) and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)


Ms McElligott reported that DA and VAWG services transferred to Barnet Family Services from Community Safety in May 2021. Delivery is co-located within the Children’s Social Care, Assessment Intervention and Planning Service with the aim of ensuring a strong focus on safeguarding and disrupting cycles of abuse.


Ms McElligott reported that the data in her report reveals fewer DA offences than incidents; the conviction rate, arrest or reports of crimes is 7.6 per 1000 population, which is the second lowest all 32 London Boroughs; it is unclear whether this was due to lower reporting in Barnet. In Child Protection Services there is a high prevalence of DA, including 782 DA violence with injury offences, and 118 suspects  identified and proceeded against by police. The Sanction Detection Rate had increased to 14.9% from 13.3% the previous year but remains relatively low.


Over the last 12 months the Barnet DA Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) had received 477 referrals of high-risk cases of DA against 363 the previous year. At the start of the pandemic there had been an increase in the number of presentations to the One Stop Shop, with a gradual reduction since this period. However there had not been an increase in the number of referrals. This would be monitored and reported back to the board as more data becomes available. 


Ms McElligott noted that the RISE Perpetrator Programme has effective engagement. A new Strategy would be developed following consultation which is likely to include this programme. 


Ms Dumont-Barter enquired how far communities and families are involved in the approach to tackle DA. In the London Borough of Wandsworth this had been found to be important, via education. Ms McElligott responded that the Early Help Service is a place-based provision with three community hubs. In addition, several outreach projects are in place in Barnet and a pilot parent/carer champion programme delivered in 2020 by Khulisa had recruited 16 parent champions.  There had been a special focus on racially minoritized communities with children at risk of exploitation. Ms McElligott added that her team is training the champions on Empowering Parents/Empowering Communities courses and will be supporting them to train this cohort to take up advocacy support for other parents in schools. 


Ms McElligot reported that there had been an increase in presentations to the One Stop Shop at the start of the pandemic but this had been slowly reducing over time but further data is to follow.


Ms Bateman asked whether there is a representative from Adult Social Care on the MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference). Mr Leng responded that there should be a representative at the DA MARAC and Mental Health MARAC and they have consistent involvement in supporting those processes. Mr Leng would forward their contact details to Ms Bateman.


Action: Mr Leng



Serious Youth Crime Reduction Plan Update – North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group (NCL CCG)


Dr Djuretic presented slides provided by NHS NCL CCG on a Violence Reduction funding opportunity for London using a public health approach.


Funding is available to develop a model of care which provides psychological support in the community for those impacted or at risk of violence. This is underpinned by the Framework for Integrated Care which has been developed by NHS England and Improvement. A stakeholder event would be held on 28th July 2021, 11-12.30 hrs. The Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust would welcome feedback on their proposals from the Board.

Action: All


23/07/2021 - Performance Update (Q4 2020/21 (for information) and Q1 2021/22) ref: 8694    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Safer Communities Partnership Board

Made at meeting: 23/07/2021 - Safer Communities Partnership Board

Decision published: 02/11/2021

Effective from: 23/07/2021


The Board received a presentation on the Performance Dashboard from the Community Safety Team. Mr Leng noted that an updated version was published with the agenda.


Mr Ben Norfolk reported:


·         the levels of burglary, robbery and violent crime in Barnet had reduced since the previous year. There had been an increase in gun discharges, to ten, over the past year.

·         there is an error in the document - there had been a 7% decrease in domestic violence (DV) and violence with injury compared to the previous 12 months, rather than 7% increase. 

·         there had been a 34% increase in the total number of repeat anti-social behaviour (ASB) calls and total ASB calls had increased by 8% compared to the previous 12 months.


Fiona Bateman noted that the Safeguarding Adults Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) had reported a rise in domestic abuse. She asked whether Barnet’s data showed a decrease because cases were being directed for intervention.


Inspector Ishtiaq reported that there had been an increase in reported DV since lockdown, and the Metropolitan Police has increased its resources to deal with this and to work with repeat victims. He had no data at the meeting on the impact of this intervention but would look into this and report back.

Action: Inspector Ishtiaq


Ms Green asked what the likely reason for the significant increase in ASB was. Inspector Ishtiaq responded that there had been an increase in ASB in general across London and this had a lot do with the frustrations caused by lockdown. The Metropolitan Police is trying to make sure that information on cases where there were vulnerable repeat victims is recorded, and is also monitoring typical locations where ASB is prevalent so that it can ensure that systems are in place to deal with this. Inspector Ishtiaq added that Covid breaches are also logged as ASB so it is expected that numbers would decrease as restrictions eased.


23/07/2021 - Minutes of Previous Meeting ref: 8693    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Safer Communities Partnership Board

Made at meeting: 23/07/2021 - Safer Communities Partnership Board

Decision published: 02/11/2021

Effective from: 23/07/2021


The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd January 2021 were approved as a correct record.


07/09/2020 - Award of four Winter Maintenance Contracts ref: 8692    Recommendations Approved

The report seeks Chief Officer authorisation to award the following four winter maintenance contracts:

a)    The Salt Supply Contract to Compass Minerals

b)    The Weather Forecasting Contract to MeteoGroup

c)     The Weather Station Maintenance and Bureau Service to Vaisala

d)    The replacement of the end of life Weather Stations to Vaisala


Decision Maker: Executive Director of Environment

Decision published: 02/11/2021

Effective from: 07/09/2020

26/10/2021 - North Finchley Site Assembly Agreement and Land Agreement: Exclusivity Period Extension ref: 8689    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive

Decision published: 28/10/2021

Effective from: 26/10/2021


In accordance with the delegation granted by Council, this report approves an extension to the exclusivity period within the North Finchley Land Assembly and Site Assembly Agreements with Regal JP North Finchley Limited by six months to 30 June 2023.



To extend the exclusivity period within the North Finchley Land Assembly and Site Assembly Agreements to 30 June 2023.

Wards affected: (Pre 2022)West Finchley;

11/10/2021 - Healthy Child Programme Contract Award - Health Visiting and School Nursing, (Including Healthy Weight Nurses, Oral Health, and Infant Feeding) ref: 8688    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 28/10/2021

Effective from: 11/10/2021

Wards affected: (All Wards);

26/10/2021 - Barnet Domestic Abuse services Violence Against Women and Girls Prevention Services: Lot 1 Domestic Abuse Advocacy and Support Service & Lot 2 Domestic Abuse Refuge and Support Service ref: 8687    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Children's Services

Decision published: 28/10/2021

Effective from: 26/10/2021

Wards affected: (All Wards);