Decision details

Barnet Integrated Offender Management Summary Update and Performance Report

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Mr Richard Norfolk, Reducing Offending Partnership Lead, LBB presented his slides.


Integrated Offender Management (IOM) is a multi-agency non-statutory national framework for managing persistent offenders and will be part of MOPAC’s Police and Crime Plan 2021-25.


The IOM was recently reviewed by HMIP and HMICFRS and was found to need a refresh. This included highlighting the potential benefits of more collaborative working, and an updated IOM was published in January 2021. The main change is use of the OASys Violence Predictor Score, monthly automated referrals from the Probation Service and the use of ECINS, a secure cloud-based information sharing system which also captures performance data and outcomes.


In Barnet reoffending has reduced by 20% due to the interventions in place. Mr Norfolk commended the multi-agency partners, including the Police, Probation Service and Housing teams who had all worked to maintain a grip on a small minority of offenders who had been committing a large number of offences.


New selection criteria of the IOM would mean more focus on existing IOM cases with more serious acquisitive offences and repeat violence. This will mean that lower risk offenders will be excluded and the focus would be more on robberies and burglaries.


New criteria for young offenders is included in the IOM, with a focus on persistent offenders.


A Board member asked how the figures compared with those of Brent and Harrow and who has oversight of the IOM given that it is non-statutory. Mr Norfolk responded that the main oversight is by the Police but also other agencies who attend, such as mental health providers and BOOST. Mr Norfolk would provide more detail at a future meeting. Brent and Harrow have a similar arrangement but Barnet has achieved a slightly higher reduction in reoffending.

Action: Richard Norfolk


Mr Norfolk commented that monthly data is received by Barnet from the NPS, and he is then provided with names, alongside the Police, and a list of potentially eligible individuals for the IOM. This is then discussed at the IOM Panel Meeting to ascertain whether they meet the criteria. In addition, any other agency can make a referral into the Panel. 



Publication date: 02/11/2021

Date of decision: 23/07/2021

Decided at meeting: 23/07/2021 - Safer Communities Partnership Board

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