Agenda item

Progress on delivery of Barnet's Safer Communities Strategy 2011-2014


Kiran Vagarwal, Head of Community Safety, delivered the presentation of progress on delivery of Barnet’s Safer Communities Partnership Strategy 2011-2014- noting the objectives: reduction of crime rates, anti-social behaviour and improving safety for communities. Ms Vagarwal noted the need for continued focus on offender management, preventative actions, refocusing of resources and building on public confidence. The Board was informed that overall crime had fallen, Barnet has achieved an overall 14.4% reduction in the MOPAC7 crime rates. The Board noted that theft from the person is the only MOPAC7 crime type to show an increase- overall total crime is down 9.5% in the last 12 months.

Ms Vagarwal informed the Board that Offender Management has improved, monthly conviction rates have been reduced by 36% by virtue of the IOM scheme. Total reoffending was down from 8% to 6% as reduced IOM cohort is translating into improved headline Probation performance and good results from positive partnerships. Ms Vagarwal updated the board on the positive projected impact and greater level of crime reduction if the IOM cohort is expanded.

Community Confidence indicators showed that overall satisfaction is 4% higher than the previous year and confidence in policing is above the London average by 5%. The Board was informed of the efforts made towards raising community confidence in Barnet through analysis of user satisfaction data. The council’s Resident Perception Survey (RPS) and the Police Public Attitude Survey (PAS) both indicated an annual increase of confidence in policing. Level of concern regarding crime is 6% less than the London Average and has been reduced by 1%.

The Board was informed that cohesion with partners remains high and that through targeting resources, partners will be able to improve on partnership performance. The Offender Management cohort has been identified as a viable crime reduction strategy.

Ms Vagarwal noted that part of the SARA process is to identify what has or has not worked, crime problems and factors have been analysed to help identify appropriate strategies resources to tackle the issues. Community engagement efforts include the promotion of service to all residents through Barnet First magazine and community engagement events delivered during Safe Guarding month.

Ms Vagarwal updated the Board that the forward work plan will include an update at the next meeting of the reviewed priorities and strategies- with particular emphasis on increasing community engagement.

ACTION: Kiran Vagarwal to update the board on forward work plan item for increasing community engagement

The Board was updated that in response to cross-border burglary, a review of the partnership approach is being led by the recent burglary reduction group set up, chaired by Dr Simon Harding.   ANPR coverage will also be increased in the borough as part of the CCTV upgrade.

ACTION: Kiran Vagarwal to update the Board on strategy for increasing ANPR coverage across the borough

Councillor David Longstaff, Cabinet Member for Safety and Resident Engagement, queried whether any factors around re-offending and conviction rates had not been considered for comparison purposes. Peter Clifton informed that the re-offending data has been compiled in conjunction with conviction rates- a comparison has been made over a period of 18 months between offenders during and prior to joining the IOM programme, which resulted in the underlying data being translated as effectively reducing re-offending rates.  A comparison against the offending rate of those not part of the IOM cohort has also been included in the analysis.

Mathew Kendall commented that it is important to review which strategies have proved to deliver greater results and to incorporate the initiatives in the forward work programme. The Chairman concurred and highlighted the importance of implementing the action plan. Kiran Vagarwal noted that the reports should be published online and shared with partners.

ACTION: for Peter Clifton to circulate reports online and to share with other partners


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