Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Disclosable Pecuniary interests and Non Pecuniary interests'

  • Councillor Alison Moore - - Councillor Mark Shooter and Councillor Melvin Cohen declared an interest by virtue of them both being members of the Barnet Pension Fund. Councillor Shooter and Councillor Cohen took part in the consideration and voting process in all listed agenda items. All Councillors declared an interest by virtue that they have shareholdings in companies that the fund Pad invested in.
  • Councillor Anne Hutton - - Councillor Mark Shooter and Councillor Melvin Cohen declared an interest by virtue of them both being members of the Barnet Pension Fund. Councillor Shooter and Councillor Cohen took part in the consideration and voting process in all listed agenda items. All Councillors declared an interest by virtue that they have shareholdings in companies that the fund Pad invested in.
  • Councillor Arjun Mittra - - Councillor Mark Shooter and Councillor Melvin Cohen declared an interest by virtue of them both being members of the Barnet Pension Fund. Councillor Shooter and Councillor Cohen took part in the consideration and voting process in all listed agenda items. All Councillors declared an interest by virtue that they have shareholdings in companies that the fund Pad invested in.
  • Councillor Kathy Levine - - Councillor Mark Shooter and Councillor Melvin Cohen declared an interest by virtue of them both being members of the Barnet Pension Fund. Councillor Shooter and Councillor Cohen took part in the consideration and voting process in all listed agenda items. All Councillors declared an interest by virtue that they have shareholdings in companies that the fund Pad invested in.
  • Councillor Mark Shooter - - Councillor Mark Shooter and Councillor Melvin Cohen declared an interest by virtue of them both being members of the Barnet Pension Fund. Councillor Shooter and Councillor Cohen took part in the consideration and voting process in all listed agenda items. All Councillors declared an interest by virtue that they have shareholdings in companies that the fund Pad invested in.