Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Barnet Council Pension Fund Performance for Quarter April to June 2015'

  • Councillor Arjun Mittra - Non Pecuniary - Councillors Marshall, Mittra, Rayner, Shooter and Zinkin decalred non disclosable pecuniary interests by virtue of having shareholdings in a number of companies that the fund had investments in.
  • Councillor Hugh Rayner - Non Pecuniary - Councillors Marshall, Mittra, Rayner, Shooter and Zinkin decalred non disclosable pecuniary interests by virtue of having shareholdings in a number of companies that the fund had investments in.
  • Councillor John Marshall MA (Hons) - Non Pecuniary - Councillors Marshall, Mittra, Rayner, Shooter and Zinkin decalred non disclosable pecuniary interests by virtue of having shareholdings in a number of companies that the fund had investments in.
  • Councillor John Marshall MA (Hons) - Non Pecuniary - Councillor Marshall declared a non pecuniary interest in that he now draws a pension from the Local Government Pension Scheme, having reached the age of 75.
  • Councillor Mark Shooter - Non Pecuniary - Councillors Marshall, Mittra, Rayner, Shooter and Zinkin decalred non disclosable pecuniary interests by virtue of having shareholdings in a number of companies that the fund had investments in.
  • Councillor Peter Zinkin - Non Pecuniary - Councillors Marshall, Mittra, Rayner, Shooter and Zinkin decalred non disclosable pecuniary interests by virtue of having shareholdings in a number of companies that the fund had investments in.