Issue details

Pavilion Study Centre

The London Borough of Barnet has started a project at The Pavilion Study Centre PRU to provide new fit for purpose accommodation and enable the Council’s Alternative Provision to be broadened to meet emerging needs in the borough. The project is being delivered and funded through the Education Funding Agency’s (EFA) Priority School Building Programme under the Direct Delivery (with EFA Funding) model.


A previous decision gave approval to enter into a Professional Services Contract (PSC) with John Graham Construction Ltd to proceed with design and costing works to the end of Stage 3. The original intention was for Stages 4 onwards to be contained within the main contract. As a result of reviewing the programme following the delays caused by the pandemic and obtaining planning consent, it has been identified that there are time and financial benefits including de risking the scheme by bringing forward Stage 4 and some Stage 5 orders to be contained within the PSC rather than main contract. This decision purely deals with the contract that these activities sit within rather than any change in the overall project costs.

The variation will include Stage 4,the appointment of Energeyes to design and install new incoming services, to mobilise groundworks, welfare and Stage 5 design, to confirm the temporary school order and associated preliminary costs.


This report seeks approval to vary the existing PSC contract with John Graham Construction Ltd for re-provision of the PRU to allow for the completion of all pre construction contract design including the acceleration of Technical Design and installation of new services (electricity, water and BT) to the temporary and new school. This will enable reduction of risk on the programme, reduction of risk on cost and provide a final cost for the construction element of the works.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/08/2020

Decision due: 12 Aug 2020 by Executive Director of Children's Services
