Rejected ePetitions

The Council accepts hard copy and e-petitions.

If you wish to submit a hard copy petition, you need to send it to the Head of Governance.

If you wish to submit an e-petition, you can do this using the Council’s e-petition facility or use an external e-petitions website. Please be advised that petition signatures must be from Barnet citizens, otherwise they will not count towards the overall signature total. If you are using an external e-petition website, you need to ensure that the Council will be able see evidence that signatories are Barnet citizens or the petition will not be accepted.

Petitions that relate to planning or licensing matters, appeals or reviews will be treated as letters of representation and will be dealt with by the relevant service area. Petitions submitted in response to a consultation will be reported as part of that process.

Names of individuals signing a petition are published on the Council’s website. Individuals can ask at the time of their contact with the council, for their name to be anonymised by contacting

Select an earlier date range below to find completed e-Petitions and responses from the Council.

No rejected ePetitions are recorded for the selected period

Supporting an e-Petition

To support an existing e-Petition choose an e-Petition and add your name, address and email address.

To find out more about the issue, see the supporting information, provided by the lead petitioner, attached to the e-Petition.

Submitting an e-Petition

An e-Petition can relate to any issue on which the Council has powers or duties or on which it has shared delivery responsibilities through the Local Area Agreement or other partnership arrangement.


This Council accepts no liability for the petitions on these web pages. The views expressed in the petitions do not necessarily reflect those of the providers.