Issue - decisions

Pavilion Study Centre - Authorisation to appropriate land in North-East corner of Dame Alice Owens Playing Field, N20

15/07/2021 - Pavilion Study Centre - Authorisation to appropriate land in North-East corner of Dame Alice Owens Playing Field, N20




 The London Borough of Barnet (the Council) has started a project at the Pavilion Study Centre (PRU) to provide new fit for purpose accommodation which will enable the Council’s Alternative Provision to be broadened to meet emerging needs in the borough. The project is being delivered and funded through the Education Funding Agency’s (EFA) Priority School Building Programme under the Direct Delivery (with EFA Funding) model.

This report seeks approval to appropriate open space land in the north-eastern corner of Dame Alice Owens Playing Fields to facilitate the redevelopment of the Pavilion Study Centre on a readjusted footprint, as per the agreed design and planning approvals.




That authority is granted to appropriate the land shown edged red on the enclosed site plan from its existing use as public open space to a new 2-storey educational building, ancillary playground and circulation areas and a multi-use games area for community use, to facilitate the redevelopment of the Pavilion Study Centre at Dame Alice Owens Playing Field.