Issue - decisions

Replacement for London Borough of Barnet Highways Asset Management System

21/05/2020 - Replacement for London Borough of Barnet Highways Asset Management System

The Committee considered a report which sought approval for the urgent replacement of the Council’s Highways Asset Management System.  The current asset management system, Exor, would not be supported by the system’s supplier after December 2021.  It was therefore necessary to urgently replace this system so that asset data which was critical to the maintenance, safety and overall management of the borough’s Highway service could be effectively stored.  Additionally, Exor would not be compatible with the Department for Transport’s new Street Works system, which was being introduced on 1July 2020.


In response to a question, the Interim Executive Director for Environment assured the Committee that he was confident about implementation and the robustness of costs and emphasised that best value for money would be paramount.


The Committee unanimously agreed the recommendations as detailed in the report.


RESOLVED that the Committee:


1.     Delegates authority to the Interim Executive Director for Environment to commence Phase 1 and procures the Pitney Bowes Confirm DfT Street Manager Solution and to direct award a contract to Pitney Bowes Confirm in line with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, Regulations 32(2) (b) and (c);


2.     Agrees to the allocation of £304,400 Capital Investment to support the implementation of Pitney Bowes Confirm DfT Street Manager Solution;


3.     Agrees to the commencement of Phase 2 of the procurement exercise to progress the replacement the entire Exor Asset Management System;


4.     Notes that reports on the progress of the replacement Asset Management System will be brought to future meetings of the Environment Committee and Policy and Resources Committee;


5.     Notes the Department for Transport (DfT) requirement to charge the Council an estimated £15,000 per annum for the licence fee to access the DfT Street Manager System.