Issue - decisions

Footway Parking Review Update

24/04/2017 - Footway Parking Review Update

The Commissioning Director for Environment introduced the report.  He detailed the outcome of the review of footway parking undertaken in the 71 roads and requested that further consultation be carried out with all Members of the Council.  He stated that this these roads had not been formally exempted from the London Wide footway parking ban and this report outlined the review undertaken together with the necessary measures and recommendations to formally exempt these roads to meet the requirements of the Council’s agreed Parking Policy.


Councillor Peter Zinkin proposed an amendment to recommendation 3 to ensure that there was not automatic enforcement on roads other than the 71 and that enforcement on any other road should be subject to judgement to be exercised by an officer of the Council.  He added that this would provide necessary flexibility.  The amendment was seconded by Councillor John Hart.


This was agreed by the Committee.


Having considered the report the Committee:




1.         The Committee note the contents of this report and appendices.


2.      That subject to the 5 roads listed below the Committee resolved to authorise the parking of vehicles completely on or part of the footway in Barnet in accordance with Section 15(4) and 15(5) of the GLC General Powers Act 1974, beginning with the 71 roads listed in Appendix B of this report where identified.


3.         That subject to the above agreed amendment the Committee resolves to authorise the enforcement of illegal footway parking by the Parking Enforcement Contractor in roads where footway parking is not permitted in line with the Council’s Parking Policy following the actions set out in Paragraph 3.


4.         That subject to the 5 roads listed below the Committee approved the recommended options listed in Appendix A of this report in relation to the proposed measures to regulate footway parking in the 71 prioritised roads, subject to Ward Members / residents consultation and Equality Impact Assessments (EQIA) at an estimated total one off cost of £244,417.11 to be met from the Service Development Reserves.


5.         That the Commissioning Director is authorised to resolve any objections received from residents and businesses during the consultation process and proceed with implementation in consultation with Ward Members.


6.         That the Environment Committee approves the process for considering new requests for footway parking as detailed in Paragraph 4 of this report.

7.         The Committee agreed resolution 1 – 6 above subject to the 5 roads listed below and the deletion on paragraph 4.2 as follows:


If a new request is made for footway parking, until the investigation is completed and a decision made whether to permit footway parking in a given road, footway parking will not be permitted and the applicant will be informed accordingly.



Road 1

Courthouse Road

Road 2

Courthouse Gardens

Road 3

Pyecombe Corner

Road 4

Lullington Garth

Road 5

Twineham Green