Issue - decisions

2015/16 Planned Maintenance: Q3 Update

24/02/2016 - 2015/16 Planned Maintenance: Q3 Update

The Commissioning Director for Environment introduced the report, which updated the Committee on progress during the first 9 months delivering the 2015-16 Network Recovery Plan Highways Planned Maintenance.


During the consideration on this report, Councillor Sury Khatri declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to Devonshire Road 


The Committee put questions to the Commissioning Director for Environment on the following matters, who undertook to provide a full response to Members outside of the meeting:

·         Aerodrome Road

·         Gradient of Footway Crossing

·         Devonshire Road

·         Perryfield Way

·         ETZ Chaim School

·         Lodge Lane


The Chairman moved the vote on the recommendations as set out in the report.


The Committee RESOLVED to:


1.    Note the list of carriageway and footway planned maintenance schemes completed in the first three quarters of the financial year, shown in Appendix A.

2.    Note the list of Section 106 schemes completed in the first three quarters of the financial year, shown in Appendix B.

3.    Note the list of Local Implementation Plan (LIP) schemes completed in the first three quarters of the financial year, shown in Appendix C.