Issue - decisions

Business Planning - Setting a new Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) to 2020

28/08/2014 - Corporate Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015/2016 to 2019/2020

The committee considered the report. 




1.    That Policy and Resources Committee note the updated Medium Term Financial Strategy up to 2020 as set out in Appendix A and the assumptions underpinning this in section 1.3.


2.    That Policy and Resources Committee note the Priorities and Spending Review report as set out in Appendix B.


3.    That Policy and Resources Committee agree the process for updating the Corporate Plan, through the development of commissioning plans by Theme Committees, as set out in section 1.5.


4.    That Policy and Resources Committee agree the allocation of savings targets set out in section 1.6, and defer consideration of options for allocating the remaining budget gap.


5.    That Policy and Resources Committee agree the draw-downs from the transformation reserve as set out in paragraph 1.7.2.


6.    That Policy and Resources Committee agree the approach to consultation asset out in section 1.10, and that the Trade Unions be involved as part of this process.


7.    That Policy and Resources Committee recommend the General Functions Committee reviews the policy regarding facility time.


8.    That Policy and Resources Committee advises the Theme Committees that they should be mindful of disadvantaged communities when making their recommendations on savings proposals.