Issue - decisions

Task and Finish Groups / Scrutiny Panels - Recommendation Tracking

03/02/2014 - Task and Finish Groups / Scrutiny Panels - Recommendation Tracking

The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the implementation of recommendations made by Overview & Scrutiny Task & Finish Groups and Scrutiny Panels accepted by the Executive.


Officers reported that they had received the following submissions from Members who had served on the Supply of Secondary School Places Overview & Scrutiny Panel:


Councillor John Marshall: “I welcome the progress which has been made in the provision of Secondary School [places and in particular the opening of the Archer Academy which will help those living in NW11 and N3. I place great emphasis on the need to increase further the availability of vocational education. I also hope that we can make progress on the re-provision of the Pupil Referral Unit soon.”


Councillor Pauline Coakley Webb: “My comment would be disappointment at there being no progress on finding an alternative site for, or refurbishing the Pupil Referral Unit.  The progress on provision for vocational provision seems to be directed at Further Education establishments.  I am unclear as to whether secondary schools will be on board to also meet the demand?”




1.    The Committee note the progress made in implementing the recommendations made in implementing recommendations made by Overview & Scrutiny Task & Finish Groups and Scrutiny Panels as set out in the report.


2.    The Committee remain concerned at the provision of secondary school places and vocational opportunities and request that the Education Overview & Scrutiny Committee give consideration to this issue at a future meeting.