Issue - decisions

Draft Equalities Policy and ‘Communities Together’ Action Plan

26/11/2013 - Draft Equalities Policy and ‘Communities Together’ Action Plan

The Committee welcomed the Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for Safety and Resident Engagement and the Strategic Director for Communities who were in attendance to present the Council’s draft Equalities Policy and ‘Communities Together’ Action Plan.


Members were informed that the Equalities Policy was being refreshed as part of the development of the updated Corporate Plan to enable the development of strategic equalities objectives. 


In relation to the Communities Together Action Plan, the Committee were advised that a Communities Together Network had been developed (a sub-group of the Safer Communities Partnership Board) which was aimed at improving the coordinated response of public agencies to local incidents such as the Muswell Hill Mosque arson attack.


The Committee expressed their support for the Equalities Policy and ‘Communities Together’ Action Plan and requested that the Equalities Policy be reported to Council to raise awareness.




1.        The Committee endorse the Equalities Policy and ‘Communities Together’ Action Plan.


2.        The Committee recommend that the final version of the Equalities Policy be reported to full Council to raise awareness.


3.        Officers be requested to provide a detailed breakdown of the data supporting the statistic that ‘47% of residents feel the council doesn’t do enough for people like me analysed by protected characteristics’.