Committee details
Adults and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Purpose of committee
The Adults and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee shall perform the overview and scrutiny role and function in relation to:
· All matters as they relate to Adults Social Care;
· Reviewing and scrutinising, matters relating to the planning, provision and operation of health services in Barnet including inviting the relevant Chief Executive(s) of NHS organisations to account for the work of their organisation (s) as set out and required by the Health and Social Care Act 2001 and related primary and secondary legislation
· Receiving and commenting upon any external inspections and reviews
· To be responsible in accordance with Regulation 28 of the Local Authority (Public Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013 for scrutiny of the Council’s health functions other than the power under Regulation 23(9) to make referrals to the Secretary of State.
· To have specific responsibility for scrutiny
o Health and social care infrastructure and service
o NHS England, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and the Health and Wellbeing Board
o Public Health
o Other policy proposals which may have an impact on health, public health, social care and wellbeing.
o Collaborative working with health agencies
o Commissioning and contracting health services
· To review the planning, provision and operation of Health services in Barnet and ensure compliance with Regulation 21(1) of the Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013 by inviting and taking account of information and reports from local health providers and other interested parties including the local HealthWatch.
· Where a referral is made through the local HealthWatch arrangements, to comply with Regulation 21(3) of the Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013 by ensuring that the referral is acknowledged within 20 days and that the referrer is informed of any action taken.
· Where appropriate, to consider and make recommendations for response to NHS consultations on proposed substantial developments/variations in health services that would affect the people of London Borough of Barnet.
· Where appropriate, to consider and make recommendations for response to consultations from local health trusts, Department of Health and Social Care.
· Care Quality Commission and any organisation which provides health services outside the local authority’s area to inhabitants within it.
· To discharge the functions conferred by Section 244 (2ZE) of the National Health Service Act 2006 as amended and Regulation 21 of the Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Board and Health Scrutiny Regulations 2013) of reviewing and scrutinising, matters relating to the planning, provision and operation of health services in Barnet.
· To respond to consultations from local health trusts, Department of Health and Social Care and any organisation which provides health services outside the local authority’s area to inhabitants within it.
Detailed responsibilities of the Adults and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee can be found in the Constitution under Part 2B Terms of Reference of Committees and the Part 3C - Committee Procedure Rules
- Councillor Philip Cohen (Chair)
- Councillor Caroline Stock (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Rishikesh Chakraborty
- Councillor Richard Barnes
- Councillor Alison Cornelius
- Councillor Gill Sargeant
- Councillor Lucy Wakeley
- Councillor Matthew Perlberg
- Councillor Andrea Bilbow OBE (Substitute)
- Councillor Sarah Wardle (Substitute)
- Councillor Nick Mearing-Smith (Substitute)
- Councillor Liron Woodcock-Velleman (Substitute)
- Nila Patel
- Emma Omijie
Contact information