Agenda item

Matters referred from the Chipping Barnet Residents Forum


The Sub-Committee received the below item, which had been referred to the Sub-Committee by the Chairman of the Chipping Barnet Area Residents’ Forum.




Petition: Traffic Control, Pollard Road, N20 (ref 90415583), April 2014

We the residents request that the London Borough of Barnet investigate and employ traffic control/calming measures to the following traffic issues on Pollard Road, Whetstone, N20.

 Issues include the high volume of vehicles using the road as a cut through from Oakleigh Road/Russell Lane to Myddelton Park/Friern Barnet Lane, high volume of speeding vehicles, residents safety while entering & exiting vehicles parked on the road side due to previous, and non-resident vehicles abandoned for long periods of time.

(Conor McStravick)

The Council are very keen to provide a safe environment for all road users wherever possible and officers look forward to discussing the areas of concern in more detail at the Forum

Traffic & Development



The sub-Committee heard from Mr Conor McStravick whose main concern was the volume and speed of the traffic along Pollard Road.


His main issues were;

1.      For the Council to issue some draft proposals addressing the issues that have been raised by the end of July.


2.      For the draft proposals to be made available for all residents of Pollard Road to view - these could be made available via a website portal or at the Council’s offices.


Residents came up with the following suggestions;

3.      Restrict access at both ends of Pollard Road by narrowing the exit and entry points and in the same scheme introduce a pinch point at the centre of Pollard Road and also consider a 20mph speed limit


4.      Introduce a similar arrangement to the one there currently is on Goldsmith Road N11.


5.      A weight restriction to be introduced on the road to help remove the heavy goods vehicles, buses and coaches.


6.      A Public meeting to be organised by the Council for the residents to discuss the proposals and vote on their preferred option.

The Traffic and Development Manager agreed that, in principle, these were viable options that could be looked into.  Officers would need to assess the impact and the effect not only on Pollard Road but also the surrounding roads.  Comprehensive traffic and speed surveys would need to be undertaken which would look at a whole network of roads that would be impacted.


Regarding the 20mph the Traffic and Development Manager advised they would have to wait for the outcome of the Task and Finish Group review which is still some months off and as such the request to point number 1 regarding the deadline could not be met.



Regarding the consultation, the Traffic and Development Manager outlined the process, which includes consultation letters being sent to all the residents in the area and residents that are just outside the affected area. Plans of the proposals would be included, plus a questionnaire seeking theirs views on the options.


Prior to the public consultation Ward Councillors would be consulted seeking their agreement on the proposed options.


In terms of any implementation date this would dependent on the type of option being progressed.  The Traffic and Development Manager advised that certain measures would require Traffic Management Orders and a statutory consultation period.


There is also the issue that until the 20mph review is complete and a decision is made, Officer do not actually know what the process for implementing 20mph will be, and as such this will already cause a delay in trying to meeting July deadlines.


Once proposals are drawn up they will come back to this Sub-Committee for approval.


Fund implications

The Council has budgets and a work programme, which this scheme would need to get added to. The works programme for 2014/15 is already set out and there are a number of schemes agreed by this Sub-Committee previously that are currently being worked on. Although the feasibility could be completed, it is likely that the funding would be available to implement any agreed proposals until the next financial year.


Mr McStravick requested if possible to have more of a police presence. The Chairman informed Mr McStravick that he would be meeting with the Sargeant of the SNT and would discuss this request.


The Traffic and Development Manager did agree that they would try to carry out traffic and speed survey now and also look at volume of traffic. This would have to be done before the school holiday.


Councillor Phillip Cohen requested that an update or progress report on the Council’s review of the introduction of 20mp is brought to the Area Sub-Committee, this was agreed.

Following discussion and consideration of this item, the Sub-Committee:



1.         That a full report with draft proposals is brought back the next appropriate meeting of the Area Sub-Committee.

2.         That an update or progress report on the Council’s review on the introduction of 20mph be brought back to the next appropriate meeting of the Area Sub-Committee.