Agenda item

Quarter 1 Monitoring Performance Report 2014/15


The Head of Programmes and Resources and the Deputy Chief Operating Officer introduced the report, which set out delivery performance of the council. This includes both contracts and non-contracted services.


Following discussion, Officers undertook to circulate additional information to Members of the Committee.


Councillor Geof Cooke MOVED the following motion, which was SECONDED by Councillor Arjun Mittra:


“To refer the Quarter 1 car park usage shortfalls to the Asset, Regeneration and Growth Committee to consider in the context of town centre vitality, and to the Policy and Resources Committee to consider in the context of Business Rates.” 


Votes were recorded as follows: 









Following a tie, the Chairman used his casting vote.  The vote was lost.


Councillor Geof Cooke MOVED the following motion, which was SECONDED by Councillor Shimon Ryde:


“That slippage on the Depo Relocation Project from Mill Hill East to Pinkham Way be drawn to the attention of the Assets, Regeneration and Grown Committee.”


Votes were recorded as follows:









The motion was carried. 





1)    The Committee agree the following referrals to thematic Committees:




Adults and Safeguarding


Assets, Regeneration and Growth


Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding


Community Leadership



To ensure, during finalisation of the Parking Policy, the reduction in the usage of off-street parking is considered.


To ensure, during finalisation of the Housing Strategy, the financial pressure relating to temporary accommodation is considered.


2)    The Committee note the Quarter 1 2014/15 revenue budget and capital position contained in paragraphs 1.11 and 1.14 as set out in the report;

3)    The Committee note the  Agency Costs for the Quarter 1 2014/15 as detailed in paragraph 1.15 of the report;

4)    The Committee note the Transformation Programme position as at the 30 June 2014 as detailed in paragraph 1.16 of the report;

5)    The Committee note the Treasury position outlined in paragraph 1.17 of the report;

6)    The Committee note the projected £21.987m capital slippage of the outturn at Quarter 1 2014/15, as outlined in Appendix C of the report;

7)    The Committee note the additional information requested at committee on the 23 July 2014; the average time in Emergency Temporary Accommodation, as set out in Appendix H of the report. 

8)    Slippage on the Depot Relocation Project from Mill Hill East to Pinkham Way be drawn to the attention of the Assets, Regeneration and Grown Committee

9)    Officers  be requested to provide the Committee with additional information outside of the meeting on the following topics:

·         How elected Members can comment on the draft parking policy;

·         To provide  a breakdown of Barnet schools (by school type) of the Ofsted ratings;

·         Detail on the level of support offered to schools;

·         Confirmation as to whether the analysis for the decision to buy the recycling fleet lease vehicles was made over a five or seven year period;

·         Further information on the TUPE costs for Re – for the Priority Intervention Team (PIT) and Cemetery and Crematorium Team changes;

·         Confirmation as to whether the “Narrowing the Gap” indicator set out in the report  was based on the total number of children eligible, or the number of children that actually take up the support;

·         The rate of recycling that the Borough would need to achieve in 2020 to be producing the same tonnages of waste [sent to landfill] whilst incorporating population increases;

·         Confirmation of the confirm Number of Private Rented Sector lettings achieved in Quarter 1 2014/15.



Supporting documents: