Agenda item

Land Formerly Known As British Gas Works Albert Road Barnet - 23/3964/FUL - New Barnet


This item was first presented at the last Committee meeting on 20 February and the Committee heard the Officer presentation and had the opportunity to question all the speakers. Due to reaching the maximum time allowed for the meeting, the Committee agreed to adjourn the item and to continue at the next available meeting.


It was advised that only Members who sat at the Committee meeting of 20 February would be able to participate in the discussion and to vote on this item.


The Committee questioned Officers and deliberated the item.


Further to a discussion, the Chair moved to vote on the Officer’s recommendation to approve the application with the added conditions and informatives:

1. Daylight Condition:


a)       Notwithstanding the details hereby approved, prior to works above grade, the applicant shall submit further details of where further improvements could be made to daylight access levels to residential units with enclosed kitchens, enclosed kitchen-dining rooms, and the 25% of habitable rooms that fall short of the BRE 209 (Site planning for daylight and sunlight, 2022) median lux guideline targets, as detailed within the Daylight & Sunlight Report (Ref: 4343; dated: 10th October 2023). The details shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

The additional details shall include, but not be limited to:

-         A detailed report that assesses the potential for improvements, and makes suitable recommendations that do not unduly compromise other living amenity standards, such as overheating.

-         Detailed floor plans for relevant resident units, indicating layout of internal walls, doors, glazed panels, and positioning of structural elements that may impact daylight penetration.

-         Detailed elevations for relevant buildings, where window openings may be modified.


b)       The development shall be constructed in full accordance with the details approved under part (a) of this condition, prior to the occupation of each relevant block.


Reason: To ensure that the proposed development is constructed to the highest possible standard of daylight access, in the interest of good standards of residential amenity, in accordance with Policy DM01 of the Barnet Local Plan Development Management Policies DPD (2012), and Policy D6 of the London Plan (2021).


2. Energy Strategy & Management Plan Condition:


a)       Notwithstanding the details hereby approved, prior to works above grade, the applicant shall submit an energy strategy and management plan, which investigates where further  efficiencies and cost savings for the residents of the approved development could be achieved. The plan will set out a full range of measures, and critically analyse the feasibility of implementing each measure, and make suitable recommendations for the implementation of feasible measures.

b)       The development shall be constructed in full accordance with the recommended measures approved under part (a) of this condition, prior to the occupation of each relevant block.


Reason: To ensure that the proposed development has an energy strategy and management protocol that achieves good practice design, and facilitates fair and cost-effective energy provision and maintenance for the future residents of the development, in accordance with the objectives of Policies DM04 and CS13 of the Barnet Local Plan Development Management Policies DPD (2012) and Core Strategy DPD (2012); and Policies SI2 and SI3 of the London Plan (2021).


3. Daylight Informative


The applicant shall explore the feasibility of improving daylight access within the 25% of habitable rooms that do not satisfy the BRE 209 (Site planning for daylight and sunlight, 2022) median lux guideline targets. In addition, the applicant shall explore the feasibility of improving daylight access to the enclosed kitchens and kitchen-dining rooms. This is with a view to drive an improved standard of daylight ingress into the properties in accordance with the objective of Policy DM01 of the Barnet Local Plan Development Management Policies DPD (2012), and Policy D6 of the London Plan (2021). The applicant should consider what changes are reasonably possible, without unduly compromising the quality of living accommodation by influencing other related issues (e.g. such as overheating or noise). A comprehensive pack of information should be submitted, including plans and reports that consider the broader impact of any possible design changes.


4. Energy Strategy & Management Informative:


Policies SI2 (Delivering Infrastructure) of the London Plan (2021) focuses on ensuring essential energy infrastructure is provided within new developments to support sustainable development, and Policy SI3 (Energy Infrastructure) of the London Plan (2021) addresses the development of sustainable energy infrastructure, promoting low carbon technologies and energy efficiency (e.g. renewable sources, efficient building design, and promoting energy saving behaviours). Together these policies promote low carbon and sustainably built development, which play a crucial role in reducing energy related costs for the residential occupier of a development.


In light of the above, in connection with Condition [##] the applicant should submit an energy strategy and management plan that considers options for where efficiencies and savings could be created to ensure that residents who occupy residential units which have been designed to depend on mechanical cooling to address overheating compliance, are not required to pay significantly more than units that do not have a dependency on this technology. The strategy and plan should make recommendations for the implementation of preferred measures that minimise cost to the future residents of the scheme, which will be considered by the Council’s Energy Officer.


Councillor Danny Rich seconded the inclusion of the conditions and informatives and the Committee agreed to accept the conditions with 6 votes for and 3 abstentions.


Councillor Eva Greenspan then moved a motion to refuse the application due to the size, mass, bulk and density of the development and Councillor Richard Cornelius seconded.


The Committee voted on the motion to refuse the application and the votes were as follows:


For: (refusal) 3

Against: (refusal) 5

Abstain: (refusal) 1


Therefore, the motion to refuse the application was not carried. Councillor Nigel Young then moved to vote on the recommendations set out in the report and the additional conditions. The votes were as follows:


For: (approval) 5

Against: (approval) 3

Abstain: (approval) 1


RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to a Section 106 Agreement and, the above conditions and the Committee grants delegated authority to the Director – Planning and Building Control to make any minor alterations, additions or deletions to the recommended conditions/obligations addendum provided this authority shall be exercised after consultation with the Chairman (or in their absence the Vice- Chairman) of the Committee (who may request that such alterations, additions or deletions be first approved by the Committee).


RESOLVED that the application, being of strategic importance to London, be referred to the Mayor of London. As such, any resolution by the committee will be subject to no direction, to call in or refuse the application being received from the Mayor of London.


Supporting documents: