Agenda item

Chief Finance Officer Report – 2023/24 Q3 Financial Forecast and 2023/24 Budget Management


Councillor Barry Rawlings, Leader and Cabinet Member for Resources & Effective Council, and Anisa Darr, the Executive Director of Strategy & Resources (Section 151 Officer), gave an overview of the report highlighting that work has been undertaken to reduce the overspend which had now reduced significantly and work would continue to reduce it further.


The Committee asked about the increase in payment for residents parking permits and pay and display, and reduced payments for penalty charge notices (PCN).  It was noted that this is not driven by the cost-of-living crisis. The Leader reported that PCN’s income was higher, but less than budgeted, so there was a deficit in forecasted figures.


In response to a query about opportunities for shared services, officers confirmed that opportunities were being considered including with children’s services, adult social care commissioning, and hospital discharge arrangements.


In response to concerns raised about debt from NHS, the Assistant Director of Resources reported that the original debt of £30 million had been reduced to £23m. There was a commitment from the NHS commitment to pay a further £14m. There was around £3m–£4m which is disputed between the Council and NHS and it was reported that regulators would review this. It was also noted that some funds would be written off, but actual figures are not known at the moment.


The Executive Director of Strategy & Resources said she would circulate Council Tax debt collection comparison rates for London separately or will include it in the Budget report. When asked why the income parenting hubs has not been achieved. The Leader reported councils have service pressures and are using family centre in a different way.  Action: Executive Director of Strategy & Resources


In response to a question about the Brent Cross West project and if a delay would lead to an escalation of costs, officers confirmed that the project had been paused as the site was being explored with a Business Case being produced, which may cost more, but will have better outcomes.


A Committee Member asked about court costs awarded and why the Council only collected half, and if the delay in receiving income was having an impact. Officers confirmed that court costs are sometime paid back via payment plans, which can defer the income, but means that it would ultimately be received.  


In response to a query about EV charging including advertising portals income and how what proportion the council will receive, the Leader reported it was shared income.


The following recommendations that were moved, duly seconded and unanimously agreed.


That the Cabinet explore options for a deep dive into the special parking account


RESOLVED that the Committee:


1.     To note the contents of Chief Finance Officer Report – 2023/24 Quarter 3 Financial Forecast and 2023/24 Budget Management report.


2.     To receive the council tax debt collection comparison rates for London separately or will include it in the Budget report.


3.     Follow up on issues with the mobilisation of the Parenting Hub


That the Cabinet be requested to explore options for a deep dive into the special parking


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