Agenda item

Safer Communities Partnership (CSP) Annual Report 2022-2023


At the start of this item, the Committee held a minute’s silence in memory of those impacted by terrorist attacks in Israel and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.


Councillor Sara Conway, the Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Participation, welcomed and thanked partners of the Safer Communities Partnership Board (SCPB) and introduced the report that gave an overview of the work of the Board and the work being done to tackle the five priorities that were laid out within the Barnet Community Safety Strategy 2022-27.


In response to a query on Community Trigger initiative and the impact of the activity to promote the use of the Community Trigger, officers agreed to provide data on new figures on the impact of the promotion of the Community Trigger initiative. Action: Assistant Director, Counter Fraud, Community Safety & Protection


Officers expanded on the difference between a community trigger and problem-solving group initiative. Officer also confirmed that the Community Trigger initiative was working and asked councillors to contact the team directly regarding specific ward issues.


In response to a question, officers confirmed that the use of “laughing gas canisters” was covered under the Public Protection Orders. The Cabinet Member noted that the law around how they were dealt with was also due to change from the 8 November 2023.


In response to a query on the impact of the recent terrorist attack in Israel on priority five of the strategy, the Cabinet Member confirmed that unfortunately there had been a steep increase in hate crime incidents.  A huge amount of partnership work was being undertaken to tackle these incidents.


In response to when the Strategy would be reviewed and put to a further public consultation, officers confirmed that it was a 5-year strategy and would be subject to an annual review at the end of 2024, subject to that review findings, any significant changes may need to undergo a public consultation. 


The Cabinet Member highted the various cross-party work that was underway such as the Community Safety Hubs, the Ward Walks and reaching out to councillors when there were serious incidents.


In response to a query on the progress of Ward Walks and issues that had been identified, the Cabinet Member also confirmed that a report on this was due at the next SCBP meeting and would be shared with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  Action: Assistant Director, Counter Fraud, Community Safety & Protection


The Cabinet Member highlighted the quality of the new CCTV room that had been launched and the positive reception it had so far received. 


In response to the work on the Prevent model, officers confirmed that follow ups were undertaken following all actions/interventions undertaken. In response to a question on the Prevent funding, officers confirmed that from 1 April 2024 Barnet would be deprioritised and would not receive Prevent funding from MOPAC. As the impact of the funding gap was being explored, especially considering the global situation and Barnet had asked MOPAC to revisit their decision. Officers were requested to provide feedback on the funding discussions with MOPAC and following that discussion details of how the Prevent work would be delivered going forward. Action: Executive Director of Assurance


In response to a question, the Cabinet Member highlighted the impact of the Middle East conflict on community cohesion, and the various activities that had been undertaken to prevent and address issues but also to give reassurance to the various communities and faith groups.   


 Officers were requested to circulate details of the various “Work together for safer streets, community and public spaces” initiatives and to share the dates for upcoming Serious Incident Response Meetings. Action: Assistant Director, Counter Fraud, Community Safety & Protection


MET Police Superintendent Lorraine Busby-McVey, presented an amended Performance Dashboard up to March 2023, with a London comparison and a North West Boroughs comparison. The Superintendent noted that since the data had been compiled there had been significant changes, including a new initiative to tackle the crime in Barnet.


MET Police Chief Inspector Robb Gibbs, then presented a Police update on the “Clear Hold Build”, a home office led initiative. The police provided details of the operation “Dakota” in Grahame Park Estate and the following impact of crime not just in Grahame Park but across the brough.


Following the presentation, committee members welcomed the positive impact of the “Clear Hold Build” initiative, but also noted that in some area’s crime had been displaced or was returning. In response the Police acknowledged the comments and confirmed that it would welcome intelligence on these issues. In addition, the Police confirmed that additional resourcing (new inspectors, PC’s and PSCOs) had been made available to support tackling crime in Barnet.


The Committee had several questions on the reasons behind some of crime performance statistics which the Police confirmed had significantly reduced due to the Clear Hold Build initiative and the updated data would show that crime had come down. The Police also undertook to provide written responses to specific questions outside of the meeting. Officers were requested to provide an explanation as to the disparity of figures, in relation to the CCTV data in Golders Green and Childs Hill. Action: Assistant Director, Counter Fraud, Community Safety & Protection



The Committee thanked the Police for their work for over the last few weeks, the prompt response to incidents and keeping the residents of Barnet reassured. 


The London Fire Brigade Borough Commander, Peter Johnson, gave a verbal update on the activity of the fire service in Barnet.


The Director Early Help and Children’s Social Care Services presented report relating to the implementation of the Barnet Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2022-25. In response to questions officers noted the challenges for small GP’s to undertake the various trainings under the IRIS programme, but noted that work was ongoing support these GP surgeries.


On the “Ask for Angela” initiative, the Committee queried if there was more that the licensing authority could do to support more venues to sign up and what was being done to support/ educate young girls under 18 years on where and how to see help. The Cabinet Member confirmed that on 19th December a safe haven and spaces initiative would be launched, including training and branding of the initiative which would be promoted to that women and girls know when to seek help. Officers confirmed what work and initiatives had been launched to address these issues, including initiatives that target and educate our young men and boys.


Officers to provide a list of all the venues that had signed up to “Ask for Angela” initiate and consider how the details could be shared to women and girls in Barnet. Action: Director Early Help and Children’s Social Care Services


Following consideration of the item, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendations in the report which were unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED that the Committee:

1.    Note the ‘Safer Communities Partnership Annual Report for 2022-2023’.

2.    Note the amended Annual Performance Dashboard in the addendum and the Police “Clear Hold Build” presentation.

3.    Note the Family Services Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women & Girls (VAWG) Annual Report.

4.    To receive the additional information as referred to above.



Following the item there was an adjournment from 8:50pm to 8:55pm


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