Agenda item

51 Boyne Avenue, NW4 2JL - 22/5572/HSE - Hendon


The report was introduced, and slides presented by the Planning Officer.


The Committee received a verbal representation from the Applicant, Samuel Epstein.


The Committee had the opportunity to ask questions of the speaker and officers.


Following discussions, the Committee voted on the Officer recommendation to refuse the application for the reasons set out in the report.


Votes were recorded as follows:

For (Refusal): 2

Against (Refusal): 3

Abstention: 1


Therefore, the application was APPROVED.


Councillor Mearing Smith, seconded by Councillor Conway moved a motion to approve the application for the following reasons:


Members of the committee considered that, given the presence of large dormer extensions locally, the development would not be out of keeping with the character or appearance of the wider area.

The committee unanimously agreed the reasons for approval.

Votes on the motion to approve for the reason outlined above were recorded as follows:


For (Approval): 3

Against (Approval):1



Therefore, the application was APPROVED.


RESOLVED that the application was approved for the following reasons:


1.  The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


4D-238A E 01  Existing floor plans

4D-238A P 01  Proposed floor plans

4D-238A E 02  Existing loft and roof plans

4D-238A P 02  Existing loft and roof plans

4D-238A E 03  Existing front and rear elevations

4D-238A P 03  Proposed front and rear elevations

4D-238A E 04  Existing side elevations

4D-238A P 04  Proposed side elevations

4D-238A E 05  Existing sections

4D-238A P 05  Proposed sections

4D-238A E 06  Existing front isometric view

4D-238A P 06  Proposed front isometric view

4D-238A E 07  Existing rear isometric view

4D-238A P 07  Proposed rear isometric view

4D-238A E 00  Block and location plans


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning and so as to ensure that the development is carried out fully in accordance with the plans as assessed in accordance with Policies CS NPPF and CS1 of the Local Plan Core Strategy DPD (adopted September 2012) and Policy DM01 of the Local Plan Development Management Policies DPD (adopted September 2012).


2.  This development must be begun within three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: To comply with Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


3.  The materials to be used in the external surfaces of the building(s) shall match those used in the existing building(s).


Reason: To safeguard the visual amenities of the building and surrounding area in accordance with Policy DM01 of the Development Management Policies DPD (adopted September 2012) and Policies CS NPPF and CS1 of the Local Plan Core Strategy (adopted September 2012).


4.  Notwithstanding the provisions of any development order made under Section 59 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order) no windows or doors, other than those expressly authorised by this permission, shall be placed at any time in the flank elevation(s), of the extension(s) hereby approved, facing 49 Boyne Avenue.


Reason: To safeguard the privacy and amenities of occupiers of adjoining residential properties in accordance with policy DM01 of the Development Management Policies DPD (adopted September 2012).



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