Agenda item

Report of the Monitoring Officer - Constitution Review


The Monitoring Officer introduced the report outlining changes following the Constitution Review. Debate ensued.


On the recommendations in the report being put to the vote, the votes were recorded as follows:


For: 33

Against: 18

Abstain: 0


Total: 63


RESOLVED that Council:


1.    Considers and approves the second tranche of the Constitution as set out in the Appendices A to M of the report.


2.    Agrees that the Constitution sections attached as Appendices A to M of the report will come into effect at Annual Council in May 2023.


3.    Authority be delegated to the Monitoring Officer to make ‘housekeeping changes’ to the Constitution such as terminology to ensure consistency, numbering and formatting changes.


4.    Notes the Public Participation Consultation findings report and Equalities Impact Assessment as set out in Appendices N and O of the report.

Supporting documents: