Agenda item

Business Improvement District for Edgware


The Chair introduced the proposals and noted that the Business Improvement District (BID) would be subject to a ballot of the eligible business so that there would be a democratic element to the decision as to whether businesses wished to contribute.  Officers highlighted that this was a paper for noting as there were a number of steps to be completed.  They highlighted that they recognised that it was a difficult period for businesses and that a BID Steering group had been formed to ensure that the project was led by businesses rather than the Council.


Members raised concerns about the timing when businesses were under pressure and new funding would be coming available through the Edgeware fund and the CIL funding.  They queried whether it would be possible to use this to fund activity and then potentially move to a formal BID once there was visibility of the benefits.  They were conscious of the dangers that the BID might be being pushed by a small vocal minority with a different reaction on the ground.  This would require clear thresholds for both the response rate and the outcome of the ballot.  The thresholds were set at 51% or above voting in favour with no minimum turn out.  Officers confirmed that these issues were a consideration and that they were looking at how the different work streams could support each other and the business community with the changes coming to the area.  Businesses tended to like the autonomy that a BID could provide with the use of funding, with the council one step apart from the processes.  There are a number of priorities emerging and they were looking at how businesses could get their voice heard through the use of the BID Steering Group.  They confirmed to Members that the steering group had a range of bodies including shopping centre managers, Town Team and others.


It was noted that the BID would be in addition to the money and work being undertaken by the Council.  The lion share of any levy would be picked up by large business and that it would be important to get the level of engagement right.  Officers confirmed that they would be tracking attitudes across businesses in general to ensure there was support before any ballot took place.  The Chair responded that it was important that comments and feedback were taken onboard and that the process would need to be looked at if the establishment of the BID failed.


A question was raised about continuity of the BID as evidence from other areas were that they relied heavily on individuals to maintain momentum and continuation.  Members also noted that the time frame was set at five years for the first BID if successful.  Officers responded that they were looking at this and that the length would be for the BID steering group to consider. 


Officers agreed to report back to the next Housing and Growth Committee as part of the Priorities Update.  Members asked that the local councillors be engaged in the process.


A Member of the Housing and Growth Committee asked for a vote on the recommendations.  The results were:

Votes in favour: 7

Votes against: 0

Votes in abstention: 4


RESOLVED that the Housing and Growth Committee:

1.    Noted that proposals are being developed for an Edgware Business Improvement District and the Council has received formal notice in accordance with the statutory BID regulations (Appendix C).

2.    That, upon receipt of the Edgware Business Improvement District Proposal, and the proposed Business Plan from the BID proposer, the Committee delegate authority to the Director of Growth in consultation with relevant council services and the Chair of Housing and Growth to:

a.    Consider, on behalf of the council as billing authority, whether the BID Proposal conflicts with any council policy or places an unjust financial burden on rate payers, and, if it does, gives notice of this veto in accordance with the Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004 (“the BID regulations”);

b.    Determine whether the council should support the Edgware BID Proposal including by voting in favour in the BID ballot;

c.    Ensure compliance with BID regulations andoversee the ballot process accordingly.

3.    Noted section 4 of this Report and, subject to a “yes” vote at ballot, agrees that:


a.    The council will act as the relevant billing authority and will manage the billing and collection of the additional levy, and its transfer to Edgware BID;

b.    The council must meet its obligations in paying the BID levy, as a non–domestic ratepayer in the BID area, in accordance with the BID regulations over the life of the BID;

c.    The council will enter into operating agreements with the Edgware BID Company regarding the operation of the BID and its engagement with council services.

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