Agenda item

User Groups - Carers



User Groups - Carers(Agenda Item 8):


The Chair invited to the table:


  • Mike Rich, CEO, Barnet Carers Centre (BCC)
  • Ellie Chesterman, Interim Head of Commissioning: Mental Health and Dementia, LBB


Mr Rich presented his slides about BCC engaging with carers as part of the development of the new Barnet Carers Strategy.


Mr Rich introduced, Ulla, a carer in Barnet who cares for her daughter who has schizophrenia and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Ulla noted that she tries to help her daughter to maintain her independence. They share hobbies, which is also company for her as carer. She reported that she knows from other carers that many are burnt out, as they can’t leave the house or get support. 


Ulla commented that often patients need to go to A&E when in a crisis as it will take 48 hours for someone from the crisis team to attend. Many carers don’t know where to get help, and there are insufficient people in the caring profession.  She reported that some GPs are good at sharing information on where to get help, but many mental health patients are discharged from the Mental Health Trust and don’t know where to seek help when they need it.  


Ulla added that everyone in the family is affecting when a family member has a mental health problem, and people find it difficult to ask for support. Some have been disappointed when seeking support from the Mental Health Trust. From her experience many of the staff lack passion for their role. 


Cllr Stock asked how people could be encouraged to ask for help; she reported having met many residents who care for others on their own and don’t want to request help or speak about their problems. They probably need support to take breaks but are sometimes reluctant to allow anyone else to look after their loved one.


Mr Rich responded that BCC carries out work to identify carers in need of support – however there is insufficient capacity to provide enough support currently. More people are registering as carers than ever before and BCC undertakes outreach sessions for carers around the Borough. Funding has also been put aside to work with smaller community groups. Further education is carried out via the Schools Programme and the Young Carers Programme which have led to many referrals. GPs can also refer carers directly to the BCC.


Cllr Perlberg asked whether carers are sufficiently aware of direct payments provided by the council. Ulla responded that her Care Coordinator at Barnet Council had been helpful and had organised support for her daughter which has made Ulla’s life easier. Mr Rich responded that a social worker carries out a care assessment and BCC provides domiciliary care. However the BCC cannot recruit enough carers – there are an estimated 40,000 carers in Barnet carrying out a wide range of roles. Some will qualify for a care assessment but many will not. He noted that often people reach out to BCC only when they are desperate. A Carers Strategy is important to help meet demand.


Cllr Cornelius enquired how many people took part in the survey. Mr Rich responded that the BCC is aiming for 250 people and so far 160 responses have been received. More detail on the categories could be provided. He added that the survey would be backed up by focus group activities.


Cllr Innocenti asked how the capacity issue could be addressed in the short term. Mr Rich responded that in 2021 funding was increased, so another member of staff was recruited to undertake early help assessments, and carers’ needs assessments were also being carried out by telephone. Resources and recruitment remain an issue however.  


The Chair thanked the speakers and noted that the BCC would be invited to present to the HOSC in a year’s time. She reported that the Draft Carers Strategy would be presented to Adults & Safeguarding Committee in March 2023 and following its publication it would be shared with the HOSC.

Action: Governance Officer


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