Agenda item

Winter Preparedness in North Central London

Including preparation for 'flu season and Covid-19


The Chair invited to the table:


  • Dr Nick Dattani, Interim Borough Clinical Lead, NCL ICB
  • Beverley Wilding, Acting Deputy Director (Barnet) Primary Care and Community Commissioning, NCL ICB


Dr Dattani reported that the ICB had led on the Autumn-Winter vaccination programme and residents over the age of 50 or with long term conditions, carers and frontline health staff had all been invited to have Covid-19  booster vaccines. So far 3.3-3.4 million vaccines had been delivered in total across NCL, with 2.5 million of those being delivered in primary care and community pharmacies. This had been coordinated with the ‘flu jab and included using the opportunity to invite people for other jabs as needed.


Possibly 18-30 year-olds would soon be invited for booster vaccines, and a lot of work had been carried out in Barnet to ensure deprived areas were reached as these had a lower uptake. 


Cllr Cornelius asked how much GPs are paid per Covid-10 vaccine. Dr Dattani responded that there is an item of service fee £10.06 across England, for ‘flu and covid. The payment was higher during the first wave of the pandemic as there was a larger cost of delivering this. He added that GPs generally break even on the costs. The vaccines are available at designated sites, not all GP Practices.


Dr Djuretic reported that the Covid vaccines given in schools in Barnet last year was the highest across NCL at around 40-50% of pupils.


Cllr Zubairi asked whether there is any potential harm in receiving ‘flu and Covid vaccines at the same time. Dr Dattani responded that it is encouraged to have both together to reduce the amount of time experiencing any side effects, which would be spread over two separate periods of time if undertaken separately.  


Ms Wilding reported that winter planning is ongoing in NCL throughout the year, and the five Boroughs are working jointly on this. Bids had been submitted for additional funding from NHS England (NHS). The ICS is looking into how it can improve  discharging patients from hospitals to ensure more beds are available. In addition from the end of November additional beds in community services should be available, which should be open to Barnet Hospital and Chase Farm Hospital. The key issue is workforce, with the northern area of the Borough facing more pressure.


To deal with winter pressures there is likely to be control and command centres in each of the ICB areas. Further updates on this would follow.


Ms Wilding reported that the ICS is also investing into services to help take more complex patients home through increased nursing, and purchasing interim beds to get patients back into care homes. It has also been recognised that more end-of-life resource is needed.


Ms Wood noted that the ICB would ensure Investment goes into primary care and community services, though workforce is a constraint. In Barnet the A&E Delivery Board coordinates a winter plan, which partners had been working on for some time. 


Ms wilding noted that there would be a comms plan letting people know they should use the ‘111’ service and that the walk-in centres are the best option for some patients rather than A&E. The Chair suggested that hard copy leaflets may be needed to inform residents as many elderly residents do not use the internet. Ms Wilding would feed this back to the comms team as there was a notice in 2021 in Barnet First. Dr Djuretic offered to speak to the comms team also.


Dr Djuretic noted that Barnet Council will be promoting wellbeing and vaccination messages in light of the cost of living crisis ahead of winter, and suggested an article could include the messages about where to go for help such as ‘111’ as well. 


Ms Wood suggested inviting a representative from Barnet Hospital attends a future meeting to discuss winter pressures. The Chair suggested this be on the agenda for February or May 2023 as it can be discussed with ‘lessons learnt’. This could include details of the uptake of Covid and ‘flu vaccinations. Ms Wilding noted that NCL will be doing an ‘after winter review’ which would be available by the May meeting.


RESOLVED that the Committee noted the verbal update.