Agenda item

Family Services Report on Reducing Offending and Tackling Violence


Tina McElligott, Director for Children’s Social care provided the Committee with an update on three key areas Family Services deliver that cross over into community safety which are:


• Domestic Abuse & Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy

• Youth Justice Plan & Reducing Re-offending Plan

• Violence, Vulnerability & Exploitation Action Plan


Ms McElligott informed members that there were 737 Domestic Abuse Violence with Injury offences recorded by the police in Barnet in 12 months up to the end of August 2022 (an increase of 2.1% compared to the previous year). 70 suspects were identified and charged by police. Barnet has the third lowest rate in London for Domestic Violence incidents. 


There were 469 referrals to the Domestic Abuse Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (DA-MARAC) in the 12-month period October 2021/22; which is a 4% decrease from the previous year.


69 multi-agency practitioners and managers had attended DA & VAWG Training to date with courses including Domestic Abuse Awareness Level 1 and Domestic Abuse Recognising and Responding Level 2, understanding coercive control and economic abuse. These sessions have been well received amongst staff and there is an ongoing training programme to ensure all staff are well equipped to support those who suffer from Domestic Abuse which are highlighted within the report.


The Council VAWG team in partnership with Middlesex University’s Changing the Culture Initiative (CCI) is working on a student-led project to deliver #HearMyVoice aimed add raising awareness of domestic abuse and VAWG. The campaign is focused on empowering individuals and understanding experiences and causes, providing education to the local community on preventing domestic violence.


White Ribbon accreditation was achieved in April 2022 and the steering group has been meeting to discuss how to achieve the work as outlined within the pledges from ambassadors within the organisation. She also noted that the Council will further ensure all White Ribbon Ambassadors working for and with the Council uphold their promise to ‘never use, excuse or remain silent about men’s violence against women’ and act as positive role models for other men in the community.


Barnet’s One Stop Shop (OSS) will begin face to face drop-in services in November 2022 and is led by Barnet Homes in partnership with Barnet Council and other key partner organisations, with critical work being carried out interacting with victims and the cross over with community safety hubs


The Rise Perpetrator Programme is commissioned by Family Services and is aimed at reducing re-offending and repeat victimisation and Ms McElligott informed that the service successfully bid for a further 3-year contract starting in January 2023.


Barnet Homes secured funding from MOPAC to create a dedicated DA Team within the Housing Options Service which is scheduled to start in November 2022. The DA Team will manage the most complex and high-risk housing cases for DA survivors


Cllr Radford asked in relation to temporary accommodation and who requests this. Ms McElligott informed that 29 of the 147 homelessness approaches are currently in temporary accommodation however it could be a number of sources who request this. She continued that a large number of victims also prefer to remain with friends or family until they secure suitable accommodation and refuse TA as they want to minimise the numbers of moves whilst awaiting alternative housing. Cllr Conway noted that a survey has gone out to members about the sort of information they would find useful from the VAWG team to assist with their casework queries they receive.


Cllr Grocock asked in relation to victims of serious youth and adult violence identified in need and if the individuals had been flagged up to services prior to incidents or as a result of referrals. She also asked if the individuals have been given the support needed. Ms McElligott informed that these people are victims of local crimes and that the Victims Hub was set up due to a post in the team being deleted and decommissioned in March 2022 so there would have been a gap in referrals to victim support services.


Cllr Rich asked for clarification on the Barnet Homes grant for domestic violence work and asked if this was for housing officers to have domestic violence specialities or for additional housing.  Ms McElligott informed that Barnet Homes now have a specialist team to advise and support on domestic violence with it having a triage approach with different levels of support from other teams, such as housing who will support victims of domestic abuse.  Cllr Rich asked if the victims do not want to move from their property are we able to remove the perpetrators. Ms McElligott advised that the Police can move them, and Children’s Services can also have some involvement in this if there are children in the house. There are also services available to ensure the home of the victim is made safe and the Police can also put restrictions on bail and create conditions that do not allow the perpetrator to be in the home.


RESOLVED that the Committee:


1. Noted and commented on the progress being made to reduce offending and tackle violence, including violence against women & girls.



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