Agenda item

London Borough of Barnet Welsh Harp Update


Matthew Gunyon (Greenspaces Manager, Barnet Council) introduced the report providing an update relating to on-going site management issues affecting Welsh Harp Reservoir.


Mr Gunyon informed the Committee that Barnet now has a new Labour administration in the borough after the May 2022 elections and his team are currently working through the Labour Manifesto to ensure their works are streamlined with the proposals within the manifesto in relation to greenspaces.


Mr Gunyon updated that the Council has re- commissioned the support of Parkguard Ltd to assist with park patrols throughout the summer over the weekends and their primary role will be to support current public service provision, focusing on delivery that supports Council core services in fulfilling responsibilities. This will be achieved by providing visibility patrols with an emphasis engaging with the public, increasing public reassurance, and improving community safety.


On a final note, Mr Gunyon noted that the outline business case for the West Hendon Playing Fields Master plan was approved at Policy and Resources Committee 16 June 2021 and informed that the Council has appointed the Landscape Institute to coordinate a design competition whereby the procurement of this will enable the appointment of a Landscape Architect to assist with developing the design ready for planning.


Judy Shepherd commented in relation to the Parkguards and noted that residents had not seen a visible Parkguard presence in recent months. She continued that the water is likely to attract a lot of attention especially in the hot weather over the summer holiday and would like the Welsh Harp area to be a priority area for the Parkguard team to focus on.  Mr Gunyon noted that his team regularly receive feedback on the services that Parkguard provide and ensure as part of resourcing arrangements they check this however he agreed to feed this back and encouraged anyone who is concerned with the services that Parkguard provide to email where a member of his team will follow this up. 


Leo Batten commented on street cleansing and raised the suggestion of having countryside rangers to engage with the public and help improve the site. Mr Gunyon informed that the team are currently reviewing last year’s patrol service and are potentially looking into having park rangers within the Borough, not just at specific locations. The team are trying to find a solution that will work for the whole Borough and there are a series of steps to go follow through on this options appraisal. An update will be provided at the next meeting.



Leo Batten also asked about the West Hendon playing field master plan and when the WHJCC will be involved. Mr Gunyon commented that early engagement was carried out at the beginning of the scope and the Committee were informed of this at the time however later this year an architect and design in scope are to follow and the Committee will be made aware of this, there is no additional consultation proposed at the moment.


Ben Watt asked about the Master plan and if these plans will affect the outcome of the Silkstream footbridge. Mr Gunyon advised that the plans would not affect the footbridge, despite the plans showing where the footbridge will land, it is not a requirement of the masterplan and may well uncomplicate the issue of the levels to where the bridges are. He noted that any residents who want to walk from the estate onto the playing fields will not be affected by access issues.


Leila Taheri asked in relation to the outcome of the enforcement operations and if any fines were distributed out. She also asked what steps have been put in place to ensure Parkguard engage with the public and noted that their presence had been minimal in the surrounding areas of the Welsh Harp. Mr Gunyon advised that the Parkguard team were not issued delegated powers from Barnet to issue fines and that they were only permitted to capture information which was then passed to the Community Safety Team (CST) for enforcement. In relation to Parkguards presence, the team are monitoring the activity and evidence that has been provided suggests that Parkguard are present and on foot in many of the parks they patrol, however this may not be the case in every visit they carry out and Mr Gunyon asked the Board to be mindful that the surrounding area of the Welsh Harp is a large space to cover.



Cllr Mitchell asked in relation to the new Biodiversity and Conservation Officer role and asked if the role would include working borough wide and collaboratively with neighbouring boroughs. Mr Gunyon advised that the role had been agreed and has been appointed to with the new member of staff starting in August. The role will include collaborative working throughout the borough and with neighbouring ones and noted that joint working is key between Barnet and Brent and the future review of the Management Plan.


Ben Watt asked for the new officer to be invited to the WHJCC and Mr Gunyon confirmed that they would be in attendance for the next meeting.

ACTION: Corinna Demetriou


Mr Gunyon gave an additional update on the West Hendon Allotments and highlighted the intention to bring back the usage of two derelict plots within the land the allotment sits on due to high waiting lists in this area. The team are currently working up concepts and plans and estimate costings and potential funding routes. The area will also include an orchard area and a pond with a focus on a balance around the allotment land and the natural area. Mr Gunyon will bring a further update at the next meeting.



Leila Taheri asked if this is a definite piece of work or at the proposal stage. Mr Gunyon advised that is currently at the proposal stage until funding is found, however the team are keen to deliver this piece of work.


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