Agenda item

Family Services Q1 2022/23 Report


The Board received an update from Tina McElligott for Quarter 1, specifically highlighting the activity that has arisen from the two core plans on Domestic Abuse Against Women and Girls which was launched on 8th March and in June the Domestic Abuse Delivery Board signed off the action plan that sits against this including 5 objectives which include:


·         Early intervention and prevention of Domestic Abuse and VAWG

·         Support all victims and survivors to report, access help and recover

·         Pursue perpetrators and engage them in behaviour change interventions to eliminate harm to victims and their families

·         Strengthen the partnership response to improve multiagency working and information sharing to deliver improved outcomes

·         Working together for safer streets, community and public spaces


Lots of training has taken place for multi-agency partners including delivering independent domestic abuse violence advocate training with the focus to ensure that staff who are working with residents on the front line are upskilled to assist in responding to residents who are in difficult situations. The team have also delivered cohesive control and economic abuse training. Ms McElligott reported there had been good attendance for all of the training that has been carried out to date.  The White Ribbon Steering Group has also met and agreed an action plan and are currently developing policies within the Council to make sure all employees understand domestic abuse and how to respond to this appropriately. Within this the Council has also signed up to the Women’s Safety Night Charter and are hoping to access funding on this which will be taken to the White Ribbon Steering Group as there is a crossover .


Work has also been started with Barnet & Southgate College around working with some of their students who were involved in the consultation around the new strategy to develop better support systems within colleges and as well as bringing together public health and schools to prioritise healthy relationships and sex education programmes.


Ms McElligott informed that the team are currently looking at developing safer spaces schemes in the borough, including thenational schemes to develop in Barnet. They are also working towards developing a change in the reporting model on hate crime so they can report domestic violence in the same way. A survivor forum is also being scoped.


A further 3 years of funding in reducing conflict with relationship problems early was noted with the success of this programme being positive to date. Also noted was the delivery of the group work for CODA (Children Overcoming Domestic Abuse) who help children dealing with domestic abuse, with a good take up and many children and women attending. 


Ms McElligott also noted that she had appointed a victim coordinator role and the hope is for them to be in post soon to develop the victim hub for the next 3 years with funding.


A visit from Deputy London Mayor Sophie Linden took place in June to be updated on Barnet’s perpetrators focused initiative where we received very positive feedback on the MOPAC funded programme run with Enfield and Brent. The team are also looking at the outcome from Operation Soteria which focuses on the increase in rapes within the borough.


Currently the team are in the process of appointing a data analyst so there is a better understanding and insight into the numbers behind all of reports which will then report into the SCPB and other key boards.


Fiona Bateman advised that the Adult Safeguarding Board holds monthly good practice ‘lunch and learns’ and would encourage members of staff to attend and push to the wider networks, in particular Children and Families to make it more multi agency approach. The Chair noted this, and it was agreed for Ms Bateman to send round the details of the forthcoming lunch and learn sessions.



The Safer Communities Partnership Board noted the progress being made to reduce offending, violence, and exploitation, including Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women & Girls.

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