Agenda item

London Fire Brigade Annual Update


The Chair introduced Paul Rich in the absence of Peter Curtin, Borough Commander who she had met with him recently and welcomed their focus on community safety collaboration. She continued that at the Policy and Resources Committee there had been a request from Councillor Whysall for an ‘extreme heat’ paper to be taken to a future meeting for information and to ensure preparedness for extreme weather conditions.


Mr Rich noted the increases overall across London which had been expected due to lockdown changes and public behaviour during the pandemic.

Emerging trends/patterns

·         Incident Increases

·         Fatal fires – 3 of these which is unusual however all fit with vulnerable at high risk, all of these have been submitted to the safeguarding adult review panel

·         Automatic fire alarms

·         Community safety


Future challenges

·         Identifying vulnerable people

·         High rise buildings – ongoing issue/legacy work

·         Community safety management plan

·         Staffing levels


Fiona Bateman informed that the Safeguarding Adult Board must carry out a review when an adult with care and support needs dies, though noted thatthe 3 cases that were referred did not meet the criteria. She added that there will be a deep dive on these 3 cases and that a much wider reach is needed on this and for partners to come together and be part of this to ensure this is across the board and understood. This work is starting in September and the Chair agreed for this information to be circulated to the Partnership Board members. The Chair also advised she would also inform Committee Chairs of this piece of work as this work cuts across a few of these. 


The Chair noted that the messaging around fires and the heat in general should be picked up as part of the work the Environment Committee does. It was also suggested to have communications about multiple plug use, using heaters and all risks associated with keeping warm this winter.


Tamara Djuretic asked if there is anything in place either at a local or London level to tackle preventing further fires going forward. Mr Rich commented that other partner agencies have been informed by the London Fire Brigade on prevention, for example keeping grass cut.


Matt Leng suggested the opportunity for community payback to assist with this and also the volunteering service which can be utilised to make vulnerable spaces safe again after an initial inspection is carried out. He also noted it would be beneficial to explore the gap between the Community Safety Team, the London Fire Brigade and the Police in relation to incidents around pump houses and officer incidents and if these are occurring in the same areas how can the CST team assist in prevention of this. He also highlighted the Autumn Nights work that will be carried out and offered assistance to the LFB on collaborating in the vulnerable areas to ensure safety of officers and the public by ensuring these areas are clean and cleared of any waste.


The Chair noted that in the forward work programme she would like to enable more time for discussions around issues that we may face in the next quarter.


Maggie Highton Brown commented that the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) is going into consultation soon and that this could assist with the prevention of fires in parks going forward and will assist with Police and Council Officer powers. 


The Safer Communities Partnership Board noted the contents of the report.


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