Agenda item

Integrated Care update

Verbal update


·         Dawn Wakeling, Executive Director, Adults & Health, LBB

·         Colette Wood, Director of Integration, Barnet Directorate, NCL CCG

·         Lara Sonola, Transition Programme Director, NCL ICS

·         Richard Dale, Executive Director, Performance and Transformation, NCL ICB


The Chairman noted that the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) had been abolished from 30th June 2022. This could mean changes to the delivery of services so the above officers had been invited to provide an update. Slides would be circulated following the meeting.


Mr Dale reported that the North Central London Integrated Care System (ICS) is not a statutory body but includes all the partners working together to provide healthcare. The Integrated Care Board (ICB) is a statutory body and aims to help the fantastic collaborative work across health and social care, and with the voluntary sector, that had been undertaken during the pandemic to continue and to provide it with a statutory footing. Similar to the Health and Wellbeing Board, it will set the strategy to improve health and wellbeing across NCL.


Ms Sonola commented that the ICB would maintain a broader view of residents’ lives as part of its strategic aims, in line with the usual local authorities’ view. A Forum will sit alongside the healthcare partnership, and community participation would be embedded into the ICS, with clear access to information and an understanding of residents’ cultural needs.


Ms Wood reported that the pandemic had not inhibited partnership working but allowed it to flourish. It allowed a local approach, with faith groups, and communities had used their Health Champions. This had all helped to break down silos and join up the healthcare and voluntary sector. For example the One Care Homes Team which had enabled a model for care homes during the pandemic yielding positive outcomes, for which ongoing funding had been secured. A Multidisciplinary Team for Frailty had also been set up which reduced hospital admissions and provided positive experiences for patients. Also a large programme of work was being carried out around mental health and dementia. All partners in the ICS had committed to the Barnet Innovation Fund which helped to identify funding and provide the voluntary sector with the opportunity to bid for this.


A Member enquired whether services users would notice a difference with the creation of the ICS and how far GPs were involved. Ms Wood responded that it is a long-term process so changes wouldn’t be noticeable straight away. She noted that General Practice is key to the changes with seven Primary Care Networks (PCN) involved in Place-based Partnerships, and neighbourhood working remaining around the PCN footprint. The GP model had not changed in 70 years so this would continue to be reviewed, including digital transformation, whilst keeping in mind that access to GPs can be an issue.


A Member asked how recruitment of GPs could be improved. Ms Wood responded that the model of care is changing; whereas traditionally all patients were seen by a GP when 80% of patients do not need to, the PCNs have built a team around General Practice who can cover all patient care. Clinical pharmacists, dieticians, nurse practitioners and others can all manage patients.


A Member enquired how patients who spoke earlier in the evening around mental health could be supported. Mr Dale responded that a Mental Health Review had been undertaken by NCL prior to the ICB’s inception, to look across each borough and understand what the core offer needs to be. Investment in mental health had been increased and this would continue in accordance with the Mental Health Investment Standard (MHIS).


A Member requested that the item return to the HOSC in six months’ time. The Chair responded that the committee would revisit the topic.


Ms Wakeling noted that the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) receives updates on mental health. It may be that HOSC and the HWB may want to collaborate on this in some way to avoid duplication. Officers would think about a way forward and add it to the Forward Plan.

Action: Ms Wakeling, Dr Djuretic