Agenda item

Public Health Overview



Public Health Overview


·         Dr Tamara Djuretic – Joint Director for Public Health and Prevention, LBB

·         Ms Jen Ross, Senior Communications and Campaign Manager for Public Health, LBB


Dr Djuretic spoke to her slides. She reported that only 10% of health outcomes are related to access to health care. Other vital determinants are good employment, transport, housing, and other factors, many of which local authorities can influence. The statutory and discretionary services provided by the Barnet Public Health team are detailed in the slide pack, including sexual health services, National Child Measurement Programme, the Healthy Child Programe, Health Protection and Drug and Alcohol Services.


Dr Djuretic reported that there are pockets of deprivation across Barnet but the Borough has a higher than average life expectancy for England and London though years in later life are typically spent in poor health.


Several recent initiatives had been developed in Barnet to improve the health of residents. This included Andy’s Man Club, Healthier High Streets, a Community Vaccines Champions Programme campaign to increase vaccination rates for Covid-19 and other illnesses, social prescribing and Mental Health First Aid in schools.


Jen Ross, Senior Communications and Campaign Manager for Public Health reported that she is developing a Communications Strategy for Public Health to support the team to encourage people to make healthier choices. This will focus on cardiovascular disease prevention, smoking cessation, diabetes prevention, Andy’s Man Club, anti-idling to improve air quality and health protection including immunisations for winter flu.


The Chair enquired how successful communication would be measured. Ms Ross reported that robust metrics gathering is being developed to ascertain the reach and awareness of the messaging. This may include adding trackable links to digital communications to find out whether people have followed up. There would also be engagement by the team at events.


A Member asked how much input the Communications Team could have on the Brent Cross development and the North Finchley Partnership Board in terms of Healthier High Streets.


Dr Djuretic responded that a health impact assessment is often carried out for new developments, which involves reviewing the plans and using a methodology to work out the likely impact on the health of the population. Recommendations are then made to the planners. Also health indicators have to be take into account as part of the Local Plan. The Public Health team is represented on the Brent Cross Development Working Group, which has developed a Wellbeing Index to look into whether health will improve or deteriorate. Dr Djuretic noted that she was unsure whether public health has a seat on the North Finchley Partnership Board, though they had provided input into the town planning, so she would investigate this.

Action: Dr Djuretic


A Member asked what avenue of redress there is if the health impact assessment brings negative results. Dr Djuretic responded that Public Health had provided a plan at an early stage with a health impact assessment, but mitigations would be recommended if these were insufficient. She added that planners have a statutory duty to publish the environmental and health impact assessment and to take into account the recommendations. In the past these had not been published with committee papers but the council could take this into account. It would usually be discussed at the Health and Wellbeing Board.


A Member asked whether there is a recognised obstacle to overcome to increase vaccination for Covid-19 in Barnet. Dr Djuretic responded that most of the population now has immunity so the impact of infection and severity is not as it was two years previously. The council continues to promote both vaccination and safety measures.


A Member enquired whether text message reminders could be sent regarding vaccination. Ms Ross noted that the council continues to promote vaccination and is also targeting lower uptake areas. However the text messaging sits within the remit of the NHS.


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