Agenda item

Future of Health Champions


·         Ms Kerry Littleford, Specialty Registrar in Public Health

·         Ms Gail Laser, Barnet Health Champion

·         Dr Julie George, Deputy Director, Public Health


Ms Littleford gave an overview of the Health Champions Programme which had been officially launched in November 2020, funded by Public Health and delivered by Groundwork London.


Bespoke Communications has been provided by Barnet for Health Champions to share with their wider networks including friends, family and neighbours to inform them on guidance and changes to policy during the Covid-19 pandemic. Feedback from champions was requested to ensure that this responded to the needs of our residents, and experts were invited to regular information evenings with Health Champions and the Public Health Team.


Over the course of the programme over 200 Health Champions have been recruited, there are currently 278.


The Health Champions also supported the Covid Vaccine Bus in 2021, helping with locations, dates and times. Later in 2021 Health Champions transitioned from a sole focus on Covid-19 to wider health needs in the Borough, including mental health, cardiovascular disease prevention and childhood immunisations.


In early 2022 a bid to Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) was successful in securing £485,000 to tackle vaccine inequity and to expand the Health Champions Programme. There are several workstreams within this programme including training for the Health Champions on having conversations around vaccine hesitancy. The Public Health team continues to work with the Health Champions to produce communication materials and continues to hold fortnightly information evening sessions. Currently 278 Health Champions are registered across the Borough.


Ms Laser commented that she had found the weekly Health Champions’ Zoom meetings informative during the pandemic, as well as enjoyable. She said that Health Champions are a great vehicle for learning and sharing information, and provide an opportunity for communities to work together.


The Chair enquired whether the group has resources to expand the brief, for example into mental health and heart disease. Ms Littleford responded that they are currently being trained on this topics and continue to work on health issues that present as priorities for the borough.


A Member commented that it would be good if Ward Councillors and Health Champions could meet. Ms Littleford responded that she could share information with Ward Members on where face-to-face events will take place and other opportunities for Members to meet their local Health Champions.

Action: Ms Littleford


Cllr Hutton noted that she had signed up as a Health Champion and this had been an excellent programme which she thanked officers for. Any further way of encouraging people to take part would be helpful.


A Member asked about continued funding. Dr Djuretic noted that the Covid containment funding had ceased but a public health grant had been secured. She thanked Dr Julie George for mobilising and commissioning the programme. Dr George noted that the current level of activity remains the same although the brief is wider. When there is evidence of further effectiveness and value for money, decisions on future work will be made. Health Champions would be involved in supporting implementation of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. 


Ms Laser noted that the Barnet Town Team has a space on Barnet High Street that could be used to support the programme. Dr Djuretic would speak to Ms Laser outside the meeting.

Action: Dr Djuretic


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