Agenda item

Delivering the Administration's manifesto commitments


The Chair introduced the report which set out the proposed approach to bring forward the new Labour Administration’s priorities in the areas of adult social care, mental health and healthy lives which fall within the remit of the Adults and Safeguarding Committee.


During the discussion on the report a Member asked for further detail on how the priorities set out within the report had been decided upon and how they would be met. The Chair explained that the priorities would involve building on the work that had already been commenced by officers, rather than starting from a blank canvas. One of the key priorities was to address the issue around keeping people in their own homes and another was to attract more people into the social care sector. Work would be focused on looking into providing qualifications as recognition for the skills required for social work jobs and to empower people to feel they are working in a qualified role. The Chair explained that a further priority was around developing a mental health strategy, the pandemic had highlighted the need for mental health support to be prioritised and to work towards making Barnet a more dementia friendly borough. The chair explained that the administration would be looking to engage more with residents to help build on the priorities, as well as establishing steering groups to investigate some of the issues. Officers would be asked to provide more detailed information at future committee meetings. The Executive Director for Adults and Health explained that steering groups were already established but these would be built upon to enable further co-production and consultation to take place. These groups would meet both virtually and face to face a minimum of once a month.


A member enquired about the dedicated project manager being employed. The Executive Director for Adults and Health explained that this would be a short-term paid role for a minimum of 6 months, it was felt that due to the extensive and wide-ranging work required a dedicated person was required. A report on the work would be brought back in September, with a final strategy proposed to be provided in November.


A member enquired about the cost pressure that would be associated with co-producing the strategies. The Chair advised that the administration would be working within the budget to deliver the proposals.


Following discussion, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendations within the report. All 3 recommendations were voted on at the same time, the votes were recorded as follows


Against: 0

Abstain: 4



1)    The Adults and Safeguarding Committee agreed the approach set out in the report and to bringing forward proposals to meet the manifesto commitments.

2)    The Adults and Safeguarding Committee agreed to the high-level plan for the development of the new engagement strategy and the charter, subsequent to the Executive Director of Adults and Health will implement the plan in consultation with the committee Chair.

3)      The Adults and Safeguarding Committed noted the Executive Director of Adults and Health will develop proposals for the delivery of the administrations’ other adult social care commitments which will be presented to future Committee meetings.


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