Agenda item

16 Danescroft Gardens London NW4 2ND 22/0067/HSE


The Planning Officer presented the report.


The Applicant, Mr Ruvi Bloom addressed the Committee.


Further to discussion of the item the Chairman moved to a vote on the Officers’ recommendation to refuse the application:









The Chairman moved the motion, seconded by Councillor Rich to approve the application for the following reason:


The committee considered that the development as proposed, by reason of the siting of the wall to the rear boundary, would not be highly visible from the street and as such would not appear visually obtrusive or incongruous and would have an acceptable impact on the character and appearance of the host property and wider locality. The committee considered that the development would not appear overbearing or result in a harmful sense of enclosure and would therefore have an acceptable impact on the residential amenities of occupiers of the application property. It therefore complies with), Policies CS1 and CS5 of the LB Barnet: Local Plan (Core Strategy) DPD (2012), Policy DM01 of the LB Barnet: Local Plan (Development Management Policies) DPD (2012) and the Residential Design Guidance SPD (2016).


The Motion was carried.


RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED AND subject to the following conditions:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 


Site Location Plan

Drg No GA 04 01-Rev A - Existing Front Elevation

Drg No GA 04 02-Rev A - Existing Rear Elevation

Drg No GA 04 03-Rev A - Existing Side Elevations

Drg No GA 01 01-Rev A - Existing Site Plan

Drg No GA 03 01-Rev A - Proposed Site Plan

Drg No GA 05 01-Rev D - Proposed Front Elevation

Drg No GA 05 02-Rev A - Proposed Rear Elevation

Drg No GA 05 03-Rev A - Proposed Side Elevations

Covering Letter


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning and so as to ensure that the development is carried out fully in accordance with the plans as assessed in accordance with Policies CS NPPF and CS1 of the Local Plan Core Strategy DPD (adopted September 2012) and Policy DM01 of the Local Plan Development Management Policies DPD (adopted September 2012).


2. This development must be begun within three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: To comply with Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


3. a) No development other than demolition works shall take place until details of the materials to be used for the external surfaces of the building(s) and hard surfaced areas hereby approved have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


b) The development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the materials as approved under this condition.


Reason: To safeguard the character and visual amenities of the site and wider area and to ensure that the building is constructed in accordance with Policies CS NPPF and CS1 of the Local Plan Core Strategy (adopted September 2012), Policy DM01 of the Development Management Policies DPD (adopted September 2012) and Policy D4 of the London Plan 2021.


4. a) Notwithstanding the details shown on the plans submitted and otherwise hereby approved, the development hereby approved shall not be first occupied or brought into use until details of all acoustic walls, fencing and other acoustic barriers to be erected on the site have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing.


b) The details approved by this condition shall be implemented in their entirety prior to the commencement of the use or first occupation of the development and retained as such thereafter.


Reason: To ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice the enjoyment of the occupiers of their homes in accordance with Policy DM04 of the Development Management Policies DPD (adopted September 2012) and Policies D13 and D14 of the London Plan 2021.




Supporting documents: