Agenda item

Business planning - The Barnet Plan, Budget 2022/23, Medium Term Financial Strategy 2022-26 and Budget Management 2021/22


The Chairman introduced the report and addendum which sets out the proposed budget for 2022/23 and the council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) which include the assumptions for 2022-26 with regards to council tax, other funding, expenditure forecasts and the savings and income generation plans necessary to set a balanced budget. This report helps to ensure resources are aligned to the strategic outcomes set out in The Barnet Plan, which was included in the report.


Following consideration of the item, the Chairman moved to vote on the recommendations in the report and addendum.


The vote was recorded as follows:


For 7

Against 6

Abstentions 0


The Committee RESOLVED


In respect of The Barnet Plan:

1.    To note The Barnet plan, included as Appendix A, to ensure alignment of resources to corporate and strategic priorities;

In respect of the Budget and Council Tax for 2022/23 and the MTFS 2022-26:

2.    To recommend to Council for approval the MTFS, attached as Appendix B, and the detailed revenue budgets in Appendix D, including the proposed savings and funding for pressures in 2022/23;


3.    To recommend to Council for approval that the budget 2022/23 is prepared on the basis of a 0% increase for the general element of Council Tax in 2022/23 as discussed in paragraph 1.3.10 to 1.3.17;


4.    To recommend to Council for approval that the budget for 2022/23 is prepared on the basis of an increase of 1% for the Social Care Precept, to help fund social care as detailed in paragraph 1.3.10 to 1.3.17;


5.    To recommend to Council for the approval the resolutions relating to Council Tax contained within Appendix C;


6.    To recommend to Council for approval, on the advice of the Chief Finance Officer, that it determines that the council’s basic amount of Council Tax for 2022/23 as set out in Council Tax resolution Appendix C, 2(iv) is not excessive in accordance with the principles approved under section 52ZB and 52ZC of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, set out in the Referendums relating to Council Tax increases (Principles)(England) Report 2022/23;


7.    To recommend to Council that in accordance with Section 38(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 the Chief Executive be instructed to place a notice in the local press of the amounts set under recommendation 5 above within a period of 21 days following the Council’s decision;


8.    To note within Section 1.6 that the financial position in 2021/22 remains stable despite the pressures on the council arising from the pandemic, and that an overall breakeven position is currently anticipated for this year (after making some targeted contributions to reserves);


9.    To consider the issues that have emerged from the consultation discussed in Appendix G when making their decisions. The committee make the decisions outlined in this report being mindful of the consultation responses and equalities impact assessments including the cumulative equalities impact assessments;


10. To note the fees and charges as detailed in Appendix F;

In respect of Capital Strategy, proposed capital expenditure and the policy on Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP):

11. To recommend to Council the approval of the Capital Strategy as set out in Appendix J1;


12. To recommend to council for approval the Capital Programme as set out in Appendix J2 and set out in paragraph 1.7;


13. To approve the changes to the existing Capital Programme in relation to slippage detailed in paragraphs 1.7.3-1.7.20;


14. To recommend to Council to approve delegation to Chief Finance Officer to adjust capital programme and financing in 2022/23 in line with the 2021/22 outturn position;


In respect of the Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS):

15. To recommend to Council the approval of the TMSS for 2022/23 as set out in Appendix K1;


16. To note the mid-year review report for 2021/22 as set out in Appendix K2;


In respect of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA):


17. To recommend to Council the approval of Council dwelling rents increases as set out in section 1.9.3-1.9.8;



18. To recommend to council to approve Temporary accommodation rents increases in line with Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rate as set out in paragraphs 1.9.9-1.9.13,


19. To recommend to Council the approval of services charge and garages increases as set out in paragraph 1.9.14-1.9.25,



In respect of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG):

20. To recommend to council the approval of the Gross Schools Budget of £393.947m for 2022/23 as set out in paragraph 1.4.6-1.4.16;


21. To recommend to Council that any changes to the Schools Budget reasonably required as a result of the final 2022/23 DSG and Post-16 settlement are delegated for decisions to the Executive Director – Children’s & Family Services in consultation with the Executive Director of Resources;


Regarding budget management for 2021/22:

22. To approve the debt write off, as set out in paragraph 1.6.9-1.6.21;


23. To note the Quarter 2 2020/21 Corporate Risk Register discussed in section 1.10 and presented in Appendix I;


24.To recommend to Council to delegate authority to the Executive Director of Resources (S151 Officer) to design, implement and manage and take all associated action to enable a scheme upon receipt of full guidance from Government.

Supporting documents: