Agenda item

Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy Annual Update


Tina McElligott presented the report and highlighted the setting out of activities in relation to domestic abuse over the previous quarter. It also highlights, that despite the restrictions due to the pandemic that the Council and Partners have been continuing to offer refuge accommodation and the learning provision. 


The consultation on the strategy closed in December 2021 and the results of this will be shared on 8th March 2022 which coincides with International Women’s Day. She expressed the importance of these results being shared as it is about changing cultures and making people aware of domestic violence which will be further promoted at the event being held at the Stone X Stadium.

Councillor Weeden-Sanz expressed concern at the repeat MARAC referrals. Ms McElligott confirmed that although concerning, it must be noted that these are now being reported as previously this was not the case and that we must also be careful with the narrative surrounding this as it may not necessarily be a negative.

Councillor Weeden-Sanz commented on the mutual perpetrator programme and noted that new referrals have dropped. Ms McElligott informed that the team have just gone through a recommissioning exercise for the perpetrator exercise and have not yet had the full year data made available because of the reporting a quarter early. 

Councillor Weeden-Sanz also commented in relation to domestic abuse in the borough and despite the decrease in injury abuse as reported by the police, asked if those that are being reported are not turning into offences. Ms McElligott commented that a high proportion of offences are that of a verbal and emotional nature and the conviction rate for these incidents is lower in terms of charging.

Councillor Grocock thanked Ms McElligott and the team on the much-needed work and detailed report on the Domestic Violence Against Women Strategy and Annual Update.

Councillor Conway discussed the idea of holding a drop-in session for members as a place where they can potentially discuss difficult and complex cases relating to domestic violence, including any tips and training that the dedicated team can give members to assist constituents going forward. It was discussed for anonymous case studies to be shared amongst members of cases they have been made aware of. ACTION: COUNCILLOR CONWAY

Councillor O’ Macaulay asked how effective consultation has been and confirmation that the numbers in the report are accurate.  He also asked on reporting domestic abuse and where these cases originated from and if they potentially were related to housing issues. Ms McElligott commented that correlated factors, such as poverty, housing and immigration status are all looked and tracked for those women and men who are supported by the service and the facilities at the One Stop Shop assist with this support to the victims. 

Councillor O’Macaulay asked how many consultations were sent out and how many the team received back. ACTION: MS MCELLIGOTT

Councillor Richman fully endorsed the report and asked if any work has taken place to tackle violence against women students and their experiences in student accommodation.  Ms McElligott informed that her team have been engaging with the universities to understand this as well as schools and colleges and noted that the government is running a plan to tackle attitudes towards sex and gender.

Councillor Richman asked what the actual definition of setting out the remit what the term domestic is. Ms McElligott advised that this is now defined in the new domestic abuse act which is very broad and includes everything from coercion to physical abuse and also includes people and girls being trafficked. There are some circumstances where the new act is not covered and it was agreed for Councillor Richman to meet with Ms McElligott to further discuss. ACTION: Ms McElligott

Cllr Zubairi express her thanks to the team for the report and asked what the process of launching the strategy will be. Ms McElligott informed that it would be formally launched on International Women’s Day which takes place on 8 March 2022.

RESOLVED that the Committee noted:

The progress made by the Safer Communities Partnership on delivering the four priority objectives of the Barnet Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy.



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