Agenda item

Social Distancing Measures



The Chairman invited Mr Mee to present the officer’s report.


Mr Mee stated that the A1000 cycle scheme had attracted polarised views, and due to the pandemic it was difficult to gauge true usage of the scheme and present facts to the Committee.


Mr Mee added that the Council has been advised by the Department of Transport (DoT) that if it wishes to retain or remove the scheme, a full consultation with residents is required. In addition the Temporary Traffic Order (TTO) currently in place concludes in March 2022. This did not allow sufficient time for a full consultation so the preferred option is to extend the TTO if possible, followed by further information gathering on the scheme, followed by a consultation. However the Secretary of State (SoS) may not be able to allow an extension to the TTO. 


MrMee reported that he would bring a report to the Committee on 8th March further to legal opinion and a review of the options. In the meantime discussions had been held on possible improvements for the scheme. 


Cllr Cooke noted that the delay is having an impact on consideration of a crossing for pedestrians at the junction of High Road/Granville Road/Summers Lane N12. The Chairman responded that the A1000 cycle lane review is not delaying a decision on the junction, which was proceeding as it should be. Mr Mee noted that the junction is in part dependent on the rest of the road network but Barnet is in discussion with Transport for London (TfL) on this. TfL will need to endorse any decision.


Cllr Farrier stated that improvements to the crossing would be welcomed but air quality monitoring does not include traffic queuing at the crossover with the North Circular going south. Mr Mee noted that it is hoped that the two-lane system will be reinstated, reducing the queuing which increases idling. 


Mr Mee reported that a proposal was being considered to remove the cycle lane at the section south of Fortis Green, to improve parking.  There is no evidence that the cycle lane has increased journey times, but it appears to be causing bottle necks in some areas. Officers want to improve traffic flow and air quality and would keep the Committee informed on progress.


Cllr Farrier enquired how removal of the bus cage into Fortis Green would work for buses turning right at this junction. Mr Mee responded that this had been raised by two residents and he would speak to Mr Aarons about this and then respond on this point at a future meeting.

Action: Mr Mee




Cllr Schneiderman enquired about the timescale for the proposed improvements. The Chairman responded that the Martin’s School improvements are already being implemented. Changes to the flyover would require further discussions with TfL and surveys. He would report back to the Committee in March when further counts and usage had been collated.

Action: Mr Mee


Cllr Schneiderman asked what decision the Committee would be asked to make at the next meeting. Mr Mee responded that retaining the cycle lane, with some remedial action, may be proposed if officers have a reasonable degree of security about this. This is subject to the SoS’s decision on an extension of the TTO and a further consultation but by March it should be possible to report on how far potential improvements have been developed and a timescale for consultation and what questions it will contain as well as how it will be conducted.


Cllr Schneiderman enquired about the segregation at Sandringham Lane and Summers Lane. The Chairman responded that this would be discussed with Ward Members prior to a decision being made. 


Cllr Farrier asked whether cycle lane markings will be included in the consultation. Mr Mee noted that the type of markings would need to be consulted on.


The Chairman moved to a vote on the officer’s four recommendations as outlined in the report, which were unanimously APPROVED.


RESOLVEDthat the officer’s recommendations were approved.



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