Agenda item

Members' Items




The Chairman invited Cllr Schneiderman to present his item.


Cllr Schneiderman reported that there has been sewage overflow onto pavements and parks at specific sites around the Borough over several years. His item requested that the Committee seek increased engagement with the relevant bodies to improve their input where needed, possibly inviting them to a meeting of the Committee.


The Chairman reported that there is already significant engagement with the water companies and Network Rail on this issue, and they have been tackling the areas that Cllr Schneiderman mentioned and other areas. The problem continued because work that had been carried out occasionally impacted on other problems, so the issues could be complex to resolve. The Chairman recommended that officers bring a Progress Report to the Committee, on the areas mentioned and on other locations where work is outstanding. He noted that a Charter had been agreed with the water companies and this had led to some improvements.


The Executive Director, Environment, Mr Geoff Mee offered to discuss the locations with Cllr Scheiderman, following which he would share progress with the Committee as well as providing a generic update on the Flood Risk Management Programme. He noted that he has requested a meeting with the Directors of Thames Water to try to resolve the problems with the sewage system, and the CEO of Thames Water had committed to work with Barnet Officers on this. Mr Mee added that Mr Ruchi Sayal, Senior Flood Risk Manager for Barnet had secured funding for flood risk management work.


Mr Mee noted that a report would be brought to the Committee on 8th March 2022.

Action: Mr Mee


The Chairman moved to a vote on the Members Item, which was unanimously APPROVED.


RESOLVED that the Member’s Item and action were noted.





The Chairman invited Cllr Cooke to present his Member’s Item.


Cllr Cooke reported that he had been hearing of concerns across Borough about lighting levels in some locations, residents reporting feeling unsafe due to inadequate lighting in some areas. Many of the LED lights appeared to have been turned down. Cllr Cooke requested a review of the issues in specific locations where officers had been notified of residents’ concerns. Lambert Way, N12 and Victoria Recreation Ground in New Barnet are examples. Cllr Williams noted that there had been muggings reported in winter at Victoria Recreation Ground which has a public footpath running through it, which is regularly used as a short cut, so it would be preferable to increase the lighting levels at this location.


The Chairman reported that he had also been notified of concerns in some locations. However streets and parks should be looked a separately; many parks did not have lighting. Also problem areas are already investigated when reported by Ward Members, the police or members of the public, and if deemed inadequate then action is taken.  The Chairman offered to follow up on the two locations mentioned.

Action: Chairman


Cllr Cooke asked whether there is a database of locations where adequacy of lighting has been questioned by the public and Members? Mr Mee reported that there is a database on every lamp column in the Borough but records are not retained of residents raising individual issues on lighting. Any reports of inadequate lighting are compared against the agreed standards Barnet has set for lighting. Mr Mee noted that he had not been aware of the issue in Victoria Recreation Ground and would look into improving this and testing the location against the lighting standards.

Action: Mr Mee


Mr Mee reported that the system for reporting locations with inadequate lighting could be reviewed, if Members deem this to be required. He also requested that Cllr Cooke notify him of any other areas of concern.

Action: Cllr Cooke


Cllr Cooke reported that the Friends of Stoneyfields Park had reported concerns over inadequate lighting in Stoneyfields Park, HA8. Mr Ian Edser, Performance and Improvement Lead, Highways responded that a meeting has been held about this and plans are in hand. 


The Chairman moved to a vote on the Members Item, which was unanimously APPROVED.


RESOLVED that the Member’s Item and actions were noted.


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