Agenda item

Environment/ Sustainability Strategy - To Follow


Robert Poole provided an overview on current and future work in relation to sustainability. The Sustainability Strategy for Barnet is being developed, A Sustainability Strategy Framework will be presented to Policy & Resources Committee in December. Barnet’s Sustainability Strategy Framework will provide the groundwork for the forthcoming Sustainability Strategy by defining the scope of the work, by asking that Committee approve the Council’s net zero ambitions and provides an overview of the boroughs carbon baseline. The carbon baseline will allow the Council to take a data led approach to tackling climate change and targeting sustainable interventions. The framework also outlines a series of high-level targets to be adopted which will form the basis of the Sustainability Strategy, this will be presented to Policy & Resources Committee in the new year. The Strategy will build upon the targets and actions included below and outline the approach the Council will take to ensure their delivery.

The Council worked to produce a holistic carbon baseline for both the borough and the organisation which will ensure informed decision making and an empirical approach to the tracking of progress. It will also allow the Council to target interventions where they are most needed. Since the move to Colindale, staff hybrid pool cars have been in place to encourage sustainable travel. The Long Term Transport Strategy 2020-41 was adopted by the Environment Committee in September 2020, which provided the vision for future sustainable transport in Barnet till 2041. 150 electric charging points had been implemented to date in the Borough with significantly more being installed.


It was noted that housing and buildings would be the biggest area of challenge as 60% of the Borough’s carbon emissions came from buildings; the solution will mostly rely on central government funding. However, access to several government grants allowed for improvements to be made to council buildings and social housing.


Baseline data showed that over 79 million trees would need to be planted for Barnet to reach net zero. The required skills was needed to meet challenges, which included upskilling the existing workforce.


It was noted that suggestions from young people was obtained at the Barnet Youth Board on the different schemes which had been taken into consideration.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Daniel Thomas, released a statement emphasising the need for the Borough to become more energy efficient.


Collette McCarthy asked if the strategy would be linked to wellbeing and economic outcomes. It was noted that the Council would take a data led approach, and equalities, employment and skills will also be considered.


Lisa Coffman suggested tapping into the religious communities where many initiatives were being held such as eco synagogues and eco churches. Robert said that there was a possibility to reach out to those communities when the strategy reached the public consultation stage.


Councillor Longstaff highlighted that schools most affected by air pollution were located next to roads owned by Transport for London (TFL) and as such would there be options to raise issues with TFL. It was noted that engagement with TFL was taking place via the long term transport strategy process but where improvements were needed, taking into consideration of air quality data, TFL would be consulted.


Luke Ward said that in terms of the wider economy, tens of billions of pounds of investment from government and private sector companies were in the pipeline. Alongside improvements to solar energy on the corporate property estate, large numbers of job opportunities would become available for which skills and behaviours would be needed to help children and young people succeed. Linking expertise of the different partners of the Board would help the relevant people with the right skills into the right roles.


Joyce Mukoko suggested that a panel for discussion through existing forums be set up to engage young people. The Chairman suggested that secondary Heads be consulted in relation to their climate groups to come together for an event at Barnet next year.

Action: Samson Olusanya


Janet Matthewson welcomed partners to attend workshops currently held at schools to gather their views.