Agenda item

Family Services Quarterly Update


Executive Director for Children’s Services, Chris Munday, presented the report.


It was noted that although services had performed well during the pandemic and received a positive outcome from the recent Ofsted focussed visit, there were challenges such as the influx of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) in Barnet.

Despite such challenges, the Senior Leadership Team continued to improve services to meet children’s needs. Members queried what strategies were in place for effective case recording and ‘All About Me’ plans.


Social Workers continue to maintain good relationships with children and were able to action appropriate support for their needs.  Staff workshops have been held to address barriers and ways to improve recordings. There are ongoing projects in relation to improving the systems to promote better recording.


The Director of Children Social Care, Brigitte Jordaan, informed that Life Story work was different to the child’s Care Plan. The new format, ‘All About Me’ assessment and plan was introduced to ensure it was the plan was written from the child’s perspective and not that of the social worker. Better ways to store and record life story work is being explored.


The service achieved a break-even budget but to minimise the risk of future overspends, as a result of the pandemic, small reserves have had to be built.


Members raised a question as to the number of children being trafficked and who may be categorised as UASC and whether it had an impact on services. It’s not always possible to ascertain an accurate picture on trafficked children who were either in the UK or UASC, as children do not disclose the details of their journey to the UK and it is not possible to report on the details due to its sensitive nature. Where evidence of trafficking is found during assessments, the young person would be referred to the correct organisations.


Members questioned whether a change to the definition of trafficking was needed as children in Barnet, affiliated to gangs, may be subjected to trafficking.  It was noted that this area of concern is complex and Family Services has had some success in partnership with the police in disrupting trafficking activity into Barnet


Some data and a report Family Services’ approach in relation to children being trafficked would be presented at the next Committee. Members also requested an index of the abbreviations used in reports.


On behalf of the Committee, the Chairman congratulated the Family Services division on the outcome of the Ofsted Focussed Visit and thanked all the staff in Children’s Services for all their hard work.


-       That Committee notes and provides comments on the performance information summarised in the report and provided in Appendix 1.


-       That Committee notes the outcome of the Ofsted Focussed visit and provides comments on the findings published in the letter provided in Appendix 2.


-       That Committee approves a further recommendation to refer the Ofsted letter on their focused visit to the London Borough of Barnet Family Services to full Council to consider and comment in their role as corporate parents to the Borough’s Looked After Children.



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