Agenda item

Brent Cross Update Report


 The Chairman introduced the report which provided an update on the progress across the Brent Cross Programme since the last Housing and Growth Committee meeting on the 14th June 2021.


Members were updated that a shareholder’s meeting was taking place in October and the next steps from these meetings would be reported back to the committee. Members enquired as to how Argent-related consult with the public on specific elements. The Chairman stated that Argent-related had been very good at consulting and talking to the community, as well as engaging from the early stages.


Members raised concerns about the potentially for large crowds of people getting off at the railway stations at the same time, which could result in capacity issues and pressure points. Officers advised that part of the conditions on the applications would explicitly include requirements for the developer to liaise with Network Rail and ensure this was managed properly.


Following discussion of the item the Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendations.










RESOLVED that the Committee:


1)    Noted progress across the Brent Cross programme as detailed in the report;

2)    Delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive acting in the best interests of the Council to approve, finalise and conclude the contract with Station Operator (GTR) to procure the provision of station assets for the Brent Cross West station having obtained written approval with DfT that these assets will be station assets and will be transferred to the Station Operator as set out in paragraph 1.12 of the report and to procure their services to support the Station Handback and Entry into Service workstream (paragraph 1.13) subject to compliance with all statutory requirements;

3)    Delegated authority to the Executive Director Environment in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee and Assistant Director – Estates, Acquisitions and Development all such persons acting in the best interests of the Council to a) review and agree the Estate Management arrangements and finalise the Service Charge Lease, Infrastructure Lease and Overall Headlease for Brent Cross Town (BXT) Estate for approval by the Committee in December.

4)    Delegated authority to The Director of Resources acting in the best interests of the Council to agree and enter into the required lease relating to the Temporary Visitor Centre;

5)     Noted that BXT are actively discussing with the council a proposal to speculatively develop Plot 19 to be the centrepiece of the business ‘eco system’ delivering an exemplar for the future of workspace as part of the first phase. It is anticipated that this will be reported to the Committee in November, seeking its inclusion within the First Phase Proposal alongside the required consequential changes to the Business Plan and legal documentation to effect the change. An update will be provided to the BX Member Woking Group in October;

6)    Confirm that council officers no longer promote the re-naming of Brent Cross tube station to Brent Cross East for reasons set out in paragraph 1.19 of the report.


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