Agenda item

Preventing and Responding to Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)



                Annual update on the delivery of the Barnet Domestic Abuse and VAWG Strategy


(Relevant to priority 3 of the Community Safety Strategy)







Mr Clifton presented an update on the Barnet Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy, including the key priorities, summary of activities and a breakdown of actions, as well as a section on the measures in place to ensure business continuity during the pandemic.


·       Lot of focus over last year to ensure business continuity of domestic abuse services across the partnership

·       A Communications campaign ‘At Home Should Not Mean at Risk’ had been highlighted again.

·       There had been a fourfold increase in domestic abuse MARAC (multi-agency risk assessment conference) meetings to improve speed of cases being progressed.

·       Allocations of independent DV advocates had been reviewed over the past 18 months to ensure that these provide the best possible support. The provision of service or link up with mental health services had been increased, including one in Barnet Hospital (Springwell Centre).

·       Business continuity remains at the forefront for the next year ahead, resulting in delayed some of the strategic work timescales. The launch of the refresh of the Domestic Abuse and VAWG Strategy would be around September 2021, with a report to the SCPB in the summer of 2021.

·       Services would be recommissioned in September 2021. The Domestic Abuse Board is looking for opportunities to improve the allocation of independent domestic abuse advocates, and to increase provision to early help services delivered through the local authority.

·       There would also be an increase on focus on intergenerational domestic abuse.


Mr Clifton noted that the Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator would circulate a feedback form to Board Members in the next few weeks and the team would be grateful of input on this. In addition the communications campaign would be shared with the Board.


The Chairman noted that Barnet is seeking ‘White Ribbon’ Accreditation, and he declared an interest by virtue of the fact that he is a White Ribbon Ambassador. He asked whether an update on how the Council is meeting these requirements could be brought to the Board. Mr Clifton noted that the Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator has carried out this work and a report would be brought back in early 2021.


Ms Bateman noted that the Safeguarding Adults Board had been keen to stress that intergenerational domestic abuse is a significant issue nationally, which had exacerbated under lockdown. The Board is keen to be involved in working alongside the Community Safety Team and VAWG Group in highlighting the needs of adults with care and support needs. The Board had also been focused on providing information and support to informal carers to help them get support before any element of ‘carer strain’ arises, and would shortly publish a review on the harm that can be caused unintentionally in informal situations. Ms Bateman would provide an update at the next meeting.

Action: Ms Bateman


Mr Booth enquired whether good use is being made of carer’s assessments to try to understand what is happening in potential domestic abuse situations and to provide support. This had been focused on in the Domestic Homicide Review several years ago. Mr Clifton agreed to review this and bring it back to the Board with a response.

Action: Mr Clifton


Ms McElligot reported that she had received additional funding for domestic abuse work which is available for one year only. She asked for ideas around short-term work that has long term sustainability potential.


Mr Clifton suggested some work with the perpetrator change programme may be useful as the Board had been looking at how to increase capacity. Also, resource was needed around intergenerational domestic abuse, mental health and substance misuse services. The Chairman asked the Board to think about this and contact Ms McElligot outside the meeting.

Action: All



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