Agenda item

Constitution Review


The Monitoring Officer, Jessica Farmer, presented a report which contained various proposed Constitution amendments including some changes which would enable the Council to comply with the best practice recommendations included in the report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life on Local Government Ethical Standards.


In relation to Appendices J and K (HR Regulations), the Committee agreed to retain the current requirements around advertising and recruiting to Assistant Director level and above posts.


In relation to section 1.2, 4. of the report, (Appendices H and I (Full Council Procedure Rules), sections 9 and 17.4 and 17.5), the Chairman proposed that each Group only be permitted to table one amendment per motion which was duly seconded by Councillor Richard Cornelius.  Following discussion on this matter, the Chairman moved to vote on the matter. The votes were recorded as follows:











1.     The Committee agree the actions to comply with the Committee on Standards in Public Life, Local Government Ethical Standards best practice recommendations as detailed in Appendix A.


2.     The Committee instruct the Monitoring Officer to circulate to all Members:


                 i.          the report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life on Local Government Ethical Standards;

               ii.          the best practice guidelines and actions as detailed in Appendix B; and

             iii.          the revised and updated Members Code of Conduct (Appendix C)


3.     The Committee request that the Monitoring Officer and Head of Governance develop a comprehensive code of procedure to be followed at any meeting of the Standards Committee and bring it back to a future meeting. 


4.     The Committee recommend to Council that the Constitution be amended to incorporate the changes set out in this report and the amended versions attached at Appendices B to U subject to the following:


Appendices B and C (Members Code of Conduct)

Retain the value of declarable gifts and hospitality at £25 rather than £100 as proposed in section 9 of the Member Code of Conduct

Appendices H and I

(Full Council Procedure Rules)

Amend sections 9, 17.4 and 17.5 so that each Group are only be permitted to table one amendment per motion.

Appendices H and I

(Full Council Procedure Rules)

Defer consideration of the speaking rights of the Liberal Democrat Group on motions to a future meeting of the Committee.

Appendices J and K (HR Regulations)

Retain the current requirements around advertising and recruiting to posts at Assistant Director level and above.

Appendices L and M (Financial Regulations)

Amend section 3.3.10 to include sending a copy of alternative budgets to the Monitoring Officer as well as the Chief Finance Officer.

Appendices N and O

(Article 7)

Include equalities in the terms of reference of the Policy & Resources Committee and not the Community Leadership & Libraries Committee as proposed.


Supporting documents: