Agenda item

Corporate Plan, Medium Term Financial Strategy 2019/24 and Budget for 2019/20


The Chairman introduced the report, which set out the Council’s refreshed Corporate Plan, MTFS, savings plans and capital programme.  In introducing the report, the Chairman noted:


-          A Supplemental addition to Appendix P which had been published and provided to Members and Members of the public.  

-          Recommendation 7 of the report should read from 18/19 to 19/20. 

Following a request from a Member Officers undertook to check if the budget as set out in the report meant that Councillor’s surgeries will no longer be funded.  (Action: Section 151 Officer


Commenting on the budget and reserves, the Section 151 Officer advised that his role required him to make a judgement on the ongoing position on the level of reserves.  He noted that although challenging, he felt that the current position was acceptable at this point in time but must be monitored on an ongoing basis


Following discussion, the Committee agreed to note the following:


-          To note that in relation to STR035 in the Corporate Risk Register on “Failure of third party pension administrator meeting standards” that LB Barnet has been called in by The Pensions Regulator following successive failures by Capita CSG to manage the Council’s Pension Fund properly.

-          To request the Chief Executive to undertake that the administration of the Pension Fund be reviewed the and the phasing be bought forward. (Action: Chief Executive)

Following discussion, Officers undertook to include the following detail in the Environment Committee report in March 2019:


-          Noting the Government’s Consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling Collections in England suggesting all households should have weekly separate food waste collections.

-          A London Borough of Barnet  response to the Government consultation  on separate weekly food waste collections.  (Action: Strategic Director for Environment)


The Chairman moved to recommendations as set out in report.  Votes were recorded as follows:










RESOLVED that Committee:



1.    Recommend to Council approval of the Corporate Plan 2019-2024, as attached at Appendix A;


2.    Approve the Policy and Resources Committee Delivery Plan for 2019/20 attached at Appendix P;


3.    Consider the issues that have emerged from the consultation when making their decisions. The committee make the decisions below also being mindful of the equalities impact assessments including the cumulative equalities impact assessments;


4.    Recommend to Council for approval the MTFS attached as Appendix B and the detailed revenue budgets in Appendices D1 and D2. The MTFS sets out all of the budget changes over the period 2019-24, including assumptions around inflation, changes to levies, pressures, savings and grant funding. It is the model around which the council’s financial strategy is based;


5.    Recommend to Council that the budget for 2019/20 is prepared on the basis of an increase of 2.99% general Council Tax in 2019/20;


6.    Recommend to Council the resolutions relating to Council Tax contained within Appendix C – Council Tax Resolutions;


7.    Recommend to Council, on the advice of the Chief Finance Officer, that it determines that the council’s basic amount of Council Tax for 2019/20 as set out in Council Tax resolution (Appendix C) 2(iv) is not excessive in accordance with the principles approved under section 52ZB and 52ZC of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, set out in the Referendums relating to Council Tax increases (Principles)(England) Report 2019/20


8.    Recommend to Council that in accordance with Section 38(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 the Chief Executive be instructed to place a notice in the local press of the amounts set under recommendation 5 above within a period of 21 days following the Council’s decision;


9.    Approve the proposed changes to the premium charged against Council Tax on long-term empty properties as set out in paragraphs 1.5.29-1.5.32;


10.Recommend to Council for approval the capital programme as set out in Appendix F1 and F2, and that the Chief Officers be authorised to take all necessary actions for implementation;


11.Approves the changes to the existing Capital Programme in relation to slippage and deletions as set out in paragraph 1.5.98 and Appendix E;


12. Approves the changes to the existing Capital Programme in relation to additions as set out in paragraphs 1.5.99 to 1.5.113;


13.Recommend to Council that the Chief Finance Officer be authorised to adjust capital project budgets and financing in 2019/20 throughout the capital programme after the 2018/19 accounts are closed and the amount of slippage and budget carry forward required are known;


14.Recommend to Council the approval of the Capital Strategy as set out in Appendix K;


15.Recommend to Council the approval of the Treasury Management Strategy for 2019/20 as set out in Appendix L;


16. Recommend to Council the approval of the following in relation to the Housing Revenue Account:

a)    The proposed rent decrease by 1% for council dwellings as set out in paragraph 1.7.3 to take effect from 1 April 2019;

b)   The proposed increase to service charges for council dwellings as set out in paragraph 1.7.7 to take effect from 1 April 2019; and,

c)    The proposed rent increase of 3.1% for council garages as set out in paragraph 1.7.7 to take effect from 1 April 2019.


17. Recommend to Council the approval of the draft Schools Budget of £335.395m for 2019-20 as per paragraph 1.5.56;


18. Approve draft Post 16 Funding of £5.417m;


19.Recommend to Council that any changes to the Schools Budget reasonably required as a result of the final 2019/20 DSG and Post-16 settlement are delegated for decisions to the Strategic Director – Children & Young People in consultation with the Director of Finance;


20.Note the Adults, Children’s and Environment fees and charges that were approved at their relevant Theme Committee as detailed in Appendix H;


21. Note the summary equality impact assessment (EIA) and cumulative assessment set out in section 5.6. Appendix J provides the cumulative impact and individual Delivery Unit assessments;


22. Recommend to Council approval of the reserves and balances policy as set out in Appendix M and indicative amounts as set out in paragraph1.5.73 and the Director of Finance’s assessment of adequacy of General Fund Balances in section 1.5.81. The Committee recommend to Council that the Director of Finance is authorised to adjust balances in 2019/20 after 2018/19 accounts are closed and the amount of balances carry forward required are known;


23. Approve the underlying Financial strategy of the Council as set out in the paragraph 1.5.1;


24. Approves the bad debt write offs as set out in section 1.10;


25. Approve the budget movements as set out in paragraphs 1.5.14 and 1.9.5 to 1.9.8, and;


26. Notes the corporate risk register and recommend it to Council as set out in Appendix O.



Supporting documents: