Agenda item

Members'Items - Area Committee Funding Applications (if Any)


The Chairman introduced the two remaining Funding Applications.


Westwood Park Gate Project

Councillor Lisa Rutter, sponsor of the Westwood Park Gate Project, welcomed Mr Hawke to discuss the proposal as he represented 54 freeholders who supported the bid to tackle anti-social behaviour affecting their properties. The residents experience break-ins, graffiti, dumping of rubbish and drug taking activities occuring in the alley-way at the rear of their properties. They were keen to have the added protection that a gate would provide to control and restrict use of the alley way from criminal activity.




  1. That Committee approved £1,830.00 (CIL funding) for the Westwood Park Gate Project.


Members Voted unanimously in favour of the proposal.



Barnet Furniture Centre

Councillor Barry Rawlings, spoke about his sponsored funding application to purchase a van for the Barnet Furniture Centre project, which had successfully bid for Big Lottery funding, the award of which was dependent on some match funding to sure the grant.


The project provides affordable good quality second hand furniture and had a number of benefits including reducing fly-tipping and working with people referred from Mental Health Services.  The Area Funding grant would fund a van which would have 10-12 years of life.





  1. That Comimittee approved £9,999 (non-CIL funding) for the Barnet Furniture Centre to purchase a new van.


Members voted unanimously in favour of the proposal.



Supporting documents: