Agenda item

Developing the Performance Management Framework


KiranVagarwal introduced the report which related to the performance management framework.

Ms Vagarwal stated that crime and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) rates are low in Barnet. The approach is to be victim and community centred and focus on the perception of crime. ASB has remained low and community confidence remains high.


There is a statutory duty to perform the annual strategic crime needs assessment and produce a report on results on what has been achieved during the last 12 months.


Ms Vagarwal outlined that they will put in place delivery groups, multi-agency action plans, ensure that KPIs have been identified and that there is a partnership dashboard for each objective. There will be a dashboard presented for every quarter that will demonstrate how the high level objectives have been achieved. There will be a annual report which will be presented to the Adults and Safeguarding Board, Children and Safeguarding Board, Community Leadership Committee and Health and Well-Being Board.


Ms Vagarwal outlined what is required from the board:

1.    Relevant victim, offender, location service data for every quarter in order to decide which data should be included in the performance dashboard coming to this Board.

2.    Report on relevant future targets to integrate into the strategy but not duplicating work

3.    The community safety team will analyse and produce the performance reports and produce cross partnership data

4.    Provide input and interpretation of data and provide recommended action

5.    Consider deeper cross agency data analysis that can add value to more targeted work


Ms Vagarwal agreed to send the analysis form which outlines what analysis is required and how can community safety support by producing this analysis. (Action)


Mr Douglas Charlton from the Community Rehabilitation Company added that they are developing a new system to gather data that will go live in March and will help with the accuracy of data.


Councillor Longstaff asked what is relevant to Barnet and that the partnership needs to be clear on the direction of travel. Targets are useful but there needs to be clarity on the work that needs to be done.


Ms Vagarwal mentioned that there needs to be more focus on performance, quality and outcomes. The strategy has resulted from local consultations to make sure that they are relevant to Barnet.

Violence against women and young girls is a London wide policy however, the strategy needs to be focused on elements which are relevant to Barnet.


The next steps is for the different delivery groups to be in place and then tasked them to put together a performance dashboard and nominate high level indicators. Updates regarding this will be reported at the next meeting.


Ms Vagarwal reported that there no update regarding MOPAC funding. On the 10th of November the Heads of Community Safety will meet to look at the police and crime plan before the consultation goes live. Ms Vagarwal outlined the core values and priorities of set out in the proposed policing plan.


Councillor Longstaff asked how the police and crime plan fits with Barnet. Ms Vagarwal responded that they are going to make the plan relevant to Barnet across different service areas.


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