Agenda item

Petitions for the Committee's Consideration


A representation was also heard from the Lead Petitioner, Lloyd Zokay on 56 Bedford Avenue(NB Due to Mr Zokay’s late arrival the petition was heard at the end of the meeting).


56 Bedford Avenue

56 Bedford Avenue became vacant in 2000, and since then has deteriorated. Partial works that were finally begun in 2015 have served only to expose the property increasingly to the elements. All work has stopped in November 2015 and there has been no corrective action to protect the property from its deterioration. There have also been reports of vermin and the property is increasingly threatening the health and safety of the locality.

This petition asks the council to take whatever corrective action is necessary to restore the property at number 56 Bedford Avenue to fit and habitable state.


1.Officers be requested to liaise with Environmental Health and the Private Sector Housing Team within the Environmental Health Service to co-ordinate and address some of the outstanding issues;


2. The Petition be referred to Housing Committee for consideration at its January 2017 meeting.



Chase Way Zebra Crossing at the SW of the Raised Table

The following petition had been withdrawn prior to the meeting and would be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.


1. Object to the current proposed zebra crossing in Chase Way, N14

2.Request that part advisory speed limits be installed in Chase Way.

The siting of the proposed zebra crossing on the sw of the raised table has serious safety issues because:

a. the telegraph pole, omitted from the original plans, obstructs full view of pedestrians;
b. the zebra is positioned on a brow at the lowest point of the approach coming downhill;
c. drivers travelling downhill must first negotiate the Cecil Road junction, causing distraction;
d. does not follow the 'pedestrian desire line' where the majority of children cross.




The Committee also received the following late petition and a representation from Melissa Spaven, the lead petitioner (agenda item 18 refers – Any Items the Chairman Decides are Urgent):


Traffic Accidents at Junction of Woodville Road and Potters Road, Barnet, EN5



On behalf of signatories of the attached petition, I am asking for Barnet Council to call for an urgent investigation and review of existing traffic calming measures at the above location.


Over the summer there were three collisions on this junction, on the 5th of August, 9th of September and on or around the 20th of September.  Emergency services were called on all three occasions and I enclose pictures of the first two accidents. 


Remedial action could include removing free unmarked parking bays next to St Mark’s Church which block visibility from side roads, installing a roundabout or speed bumps to slow traffic or the enforcement of oft-breached speed limits along the Meadway EN5.


My concern is that, unless urgent action is taken, there will be a fatality which will involve a pedestrian.  Cars often mount the pavements and many pedestrians use this stretch of road to walk to the two nearby schools (Cromer Road Primary and QE Girls Secondary School).




1.It be agreed to refresh the current road markings using existing maintenance  budgets;


2. CIL funding of up to £3,000 be agreed to carry out a feasibility study that would investigate safety improvements including a review of waiting restrictions;


2.            a report back be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee.






Supporting documents: