Agenda item



The Committee received the following petitions:




Title of petition

Lead petitioner

Detail/text of petition

No. of signatures

Objection to proposed Traffic Orders Ref SCR121

Mr Denyer

The Committee received the petition  registering objections to the Barnet (Free parking Places, Loading places, Waiting Loading and Stopping Restrictions) (Amendment No.) Order 20** The Barnet (Charged for Parking Places) (Amendment No.) Order 20** affecting Ridgeview Road and Charnwood Place N20, on the grounds that the proposed parking restrictions would seriously hamper the ability of North London Hospice to provide its free charitable services to the residents of the Borough, seek to reduce congestion where none exists, would create congestion elsewhere by displacing parked vehicles to other local Borough locations.


MrDenyer confirmed that this would affect around 30 cars at any given time.


It was agreed that this item would be considered as part of agenda item 14 – Totteridge and Whetstone Controlled Parking Zone as the two were linked.



The Ridgeway Petition / Copetts Ward




Fred Mayer    


Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator


The Committee received the petition calling upon the Local Authority to take action to change the perception of the road for drivers which currently suffers from the combined effects of “rat running,” traffic and junctions at either end which require some redesign. There were serious concerns about cut through traffic and it’s effects. The issue was raised with a councillor during the North Circular Road(NCR) improvement scheme. We were then advised to wait for the scheme to be completed so that it’s improvements could be properly felt. At the time the scheme included funding for road works in the immediate vicinity to reduce rat running in back streets. This did not include The Ridgeway.


Since the NCR scheme, westerly traffic flows on the NCR have improved but easterly flows have become considerably worse. The Council know this and are aware there is a problem but have taken no action to help us. Overflow traffic on Friern Barnet Road is often static and The Ridgeway becomes a “rat running,” bypass. Evenings are the worst period, going down the road. School traffic and parking has also increased. It is reasonable to expect works to be carried out on our road now to reduce the effects.

Few cars go above 35 mph though there are some drivers who accelerate hard up or down on our straight road. Part of the problem is about the number of cars reaching 30+ mph early in the road and travelling the full length at the speed, one after the other like a train. It is particularly dangerous for children and elderly pedestrians and when people are trying to get out of their drive between parked cars.


The junction at the top with Friern Barnet Lane has become a problem with increased parking and drivers trying to nip across into The Ridgeway in front of oncoming traffic. There have been several serious accidents associated with the junction and pedestrian crossing going into the park. A few cars have ended up on the pavement at the top of the Ridgeway.


The junction with Bethune Avenue is often grid locked during school run periods.


We the residents of The Ridgeway call upon the Council to take immediate action to:-

• Discourage rat running along The Ridgeway and improve the junctions with Friern Barnet Lane and Bethune Avenue. Works should not include humps.

• Address local schools, formally asking them to encourage and frequently remind parents that healthy walking schemes and collaborative approaches to essential car usage should be adopted. Press St John’s not to close it’s rear entrance as they intend to do in September.

• To formally press for initiatives from Tfl to resolve issues causing problems with easterly traffic flows on the NCR in order to reduce local high pollution levels and “rat running,” into the outlying side roads.

• And specifically or better to change the “feel,” and perception of the road by:-

Installing a large wide island and raised crossover/entry at the top of The

Ridgeway. The island preferably being designed to provide for car only entry at

slow speed. The exit also being reduced whilst still allowing for all large vehicles.

These to be combined with increased parking restrictions at the very top of The

Ridgeway and others to make the junction with Friern Barnet Lane and the nearby pedestrian crossing safer. Large explicit signs should be installed on the island.

Examples:- Slow, Lorry exit only, etc. Additional white Slow signs to be on the road just after the island and in the middle of the road. The raised entry to be similar in style to roads running off Barnet Hill in the shopping area. Elements of the islands design might be varied as necessary to improve appearance but the functional principles should remain the same. The design should send a clear calming message to “rat running,” drivers and break up the flow into the road. Preferably mthe curb of the entry side to be stepped in immediately after the island. (Similar to Beaconsfield Road narrowing point.)

• To formulate and apply other measures to discourage “rat running,” and slower traffic both up and down the length of the road. This to include a possible 20mph speed limit linked with neighbouring roads if results from recent borough research suggests it is appropriate. Narrowing posts should preferably not be used.

• To formulate and install improvements to the junction with Bethune Avenue preferably including an island, encouraging slow speeds whilst freeing up the junction.

All traffic surveys should be during September after schools return to obtain a true picture. Assessments to be made between the hours 7AM - 9AM and 5:30 - 7:00.

Works to be reassessed afterwards and further improvements added as necessary.


The Committee noted that Holly Park school had submitted its transport plan and was seeking gold standard.


St. John’s school had just started re-engaging and were seeking bronze accreditation. However, there were concerns about St. John’s closing one of its access points, but it was explained that this was a planning matter.


The Chairman stated that the petition’s requests were extensive and would be expensive to implement notwithstanding the practicalities. The lead Highways Officer present stated that making the road one-way for large vehicles would not only be disruptive (causing displacement onto neighbouring roads) but would be unacceptable to the emergency services and the Borough’s own refuse collection vehicles.


The Chairman suggested that a traffic survey to assess the scope of the problem would be a sensible first step. Highways would then report its findings back to October’s Area Committee. The Committee would then be able to make an informed decision on what traffic calming measures, if any, would be most appropriate.



RESOLVED that a traffic survey, costing £300 be agreed, to be taken from the CIL budget, with a report back to this Committee in October 2016.






Supporting documents: