Agenda item

Update on childhood immunisations 0-5 years


The Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board noted that the Board, at its meeting in March 2016, had requested an update report and action plan from NHSE with regards to Barnet’s childhood immunisation data. The Chairman welcomed Ms Amanda Gouldon (Immunisation Commissioning Manager) and Mr Kenny Gibson (Head of Public Health Commissioning) of NHS England to the meeting.


The Chairman expressed extreme concern over continually reported low childhood immunisations rates for Barnet and noted this was an area of importance for action as part of Barnet’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. She drew attention to the fact that this concern had already been voiced at the HWBB over a number of years as well as previously being discussed at the Health Overview & Scrutiny committee.


Mr Gibson presented the report and informed the Board that currently a complex data model has been in place for childhood immunisations data, particularly due to the recent move to TTP System One.


He further stated that there has been a similar drop in recorded immunisations rates across North Central London and that by virtue of the move to TTP System One, some vaccinations have not been recognised by the system. Mr Gibson said his opinion was that data has therefore appeared inaccurate and did not reflect the true levels of immunisations due to technical issues.


The Commissioning Director for Children and Young People, Mr Chris Munday stated that there had been no reply to the April letter sent to NHSE by him, the Lead Member for Children, the Chair of the CCG and the Director of Public Health, setting out the serious concerns held by all organisations at the HWBB about the lack of clarity relating to the childhood immunisation rates for Barnet.


Mr Munday and other Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board stated that they felt that the information presented to the Board their view was that there was still not sufficient evidence to be assured that immunisation levels in practice were higher than reported rates. Board Members expressed their concern that it was not possible to tell from the information presented if the issues were caused by system reporting or low immunisation rates.


Furthermore, the Board expressed concerns over the length of time it was taking to understand and resolve the issues, which had been going on for a number of years.


The Director of Public Health, Dr Andrew Howe noted risks associated with the lack of assurance being provided especially considering the significant drop in childhood immunisation rates following the move to TTP System One.


Mr Kenny Gibson stated that NHSE has undertaken practice visits to approximately 20 GP Barnet practices with lowest coverage for MMR2 and that the reported data is not reflective of real time rates. The Board noted that there are over 60 GP practices in the borough.


Dr Debbie Frost, Chair of Barnet CCG stressed the importance of undertaking an audit of all GP practices in the borough and that following the visits a report should be brought back to the Health and Wellbeing Board in July. (Action)


Following discussion, the Board considered changes to the wording of all three recommendations which were seconded and upon approval became the substantive recommendations:


1.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes the information provided by NHS England. assurance given from NHS England that reported childhood immunisation rates in Barnet are not an accurate reflection of immunisation uptake in the borough.

2.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board seeks urgent assurance from NHS England that sufficient action is being taken to address this issue through an audit of immunisations at all GP practices by NHS England, to be reported back to the next meeting of the Board. and that alternative surveillance measures are in place whilst childhood immunisation (COVER) data is inaccurate.

3.    That the Board recommends that the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider a referral for remedy to the Department of Health. if performance does not improve.




1.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes the information provided by NHS England.

2.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board seeks urgent assurance from NHS England that sufficient action is being taken to address this issue through an audit of immunisations at all GP practices by NHS England, to be reported back to the next meeting of the Board.

3.    That the Board recommends that the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider a referral for remedy to the Department of Health.    



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